Chapter 5: Turnabout Romance - Trial 1 ~ Part 2

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February 16 11:30am

District Court

Courtroom No. 1 ~ James Devine's POV

I couldn't help the large grin on my face: Niamh had just proven me innocent! All by herself! I'd have to compliment her on that later, as she always gets so negative about herself when it comes to her job.

"I admit, that is quite the inconsistency." the judge agreed. "Who is this witness, by the way, Prosecutor Wood?"

"One Kimberly Yaeko." Niamh replied. "She's in the gallery watching the trial now, if we want to question her."

"That would be a wise step." Ms. von Graye concurred.

"Huh? But don't you guys, like, need my testimony and junk?"

A young woman approached the witness stand, long fake nails tapping the wood. "I was, like, there, after all. I saw it."

"Wh-Who is this young lady?" the judge asked, looking around with a confused look on his face.

"I'm, like, Amanda." the blonde girl introduced. "Amanda Wakuta. I'm, like, a high school student. I also found the body as well."

"B-But we need Ms. Yaeko's testimony..." Niamh muttered, deflating slightly. "She spoke to the victim and-"

"Shut up!!" Amanda snapped. "I'm talking!!"

Niamh's confidence seemed to drain away completely as she sunk and leaned back onto the wall. I don't think she'll be talking for a while...

"Can I, like, give my testimony now?" Amanda asked. The judge responded with a slow nod. "Y-Yes, you can, witness..."

- Witness Testimony -

- Finding the Body -

"I was with some friends at the carnival when I heard talking coming from a tent."

"So I, like, went to follow the sound of it to see what was going on..."

"... when all I heard was something falling to the ground."

"Next, I see the defendant, clear as day, running away."

What?! But that doesn't make any sense! None of that happened!

The judge, however, didn't seem to agree. "Why, if the defendant fled from the crime scene, that certainly makes him look suspicious!" he cried.

"We can suspect after the cross-examination, ja?" Ms. von Graye said to him.

Niamh sighed. "And here I thought Kimberly's testimony could save him..." I blushed at her statement; after the trial, we'll pick up where we left off and tell each other what we wanted to say, like we had been doing before the scream.

- Cross Examination -

"I was with some friends at the carnival when I heard talking coming from a tent."

"So I, like, went to follow the sound of it to see what was going on..."

"... when all I heard was something falling to the ground."

"Next, I see the defendant, clear as day, running away."


"Are you quite certain, Ms. Wakuta?" Ms. von Graye asked the witness. "That's not what you told me yesterday."

"Wh-What do you mean...?" Amanda stammered, her eyes widening and her skin growing slightly pale. "I-I did tell you I, like, saw the defendant run away..."

"No, what you said was that you saw someone running away." Ms. von Graye corrected. "You said that since they were wearing some kind of cloak, you didn't see who they were. But now you're saying that you saw the defendant 'clear as day'?"

"Eek-!" Amanda squealed, pulling on her hair with stress.

I turned to my lawyers to give them a smile of appreciation, but neither of them were paying attention. Ms. von Graye was too busy trying to find out what Amanda was hiding, while Ms. Tenniswood was giving the witness some kind of strange glare. "Is something wrong?" I whispered to her.

"I've met Ms. Wakuta before this case." she explained. "Something seems very... off about her. She has the same rude and snappy nature, but... something doesn't seem right..."

I was about to question what she could possibly mean, but Amanda's angered words cut me off. "L-Look, this doesn't matter, okay?! All that matters is that the kid over there is totally guilty!"


"You're clearly hiding something! We can all tell!" Niamh yelled, holding up her purple Magatama. "So why don't you just tell us?! All this fighting just makes you look guilty!"

"Guilty?!" Amanda repeated. "But I didn't do it! I'm telling the truth!"

Ms. von Graye had a hand on her silver bracelet, gripping it tightly. That thing must have some kind of lie-detecting abilities or something. "Your Honour, I request another day for investigation."

"You do? But why?" the judge asked.

"I agree with that!" Niamh cried before turning to Chief Prosecutor Bespoke. Or Ghastly, as he prefers to be called. "That is okay, isn't it?!"

"Th-That's really up to His Honour..." Ghastly replied. "But it should be okay..."

"Great! Then let's go!" Niamh grabbed Ghastly's arm and dragged him out of the courtroom, completely unaware that the judge had yet to grant permission for another investigation day. Since Ghastly didn't bother to fight back, I get the feeling she does this regularly...

"Well, seeing as though the prosecution has already departed, I will grant the defence's wish for another day of investigation." the judge announced as he slammed his gavel on the wooden... object on his chair. "Court is adjourned!"







AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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