Chapter Two: Toys

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*Third person POV*

"Have you seen Luna?" Brynjolf asked Vex who was leaning against a pallet of wood.

"Does it look like I've seen her?" Vex asked with her usual angry attitude.

"I guess not" Brynjolf muttered, walking past her.

No one ever bothered Vex, since she was one of the four overseers for the Guild, and people usually get their heads ripped off when they do. Plus, everyone knew she was only so angry because she couldn't nail the Golden Glow job which caused Brynjolf to go in and do it himself under Mercer's order. Mercer was now cutting Vex off from particular jobs, and she wasn't happy about it. Though Vex was more angry about the fact that everyone in the Guild knew of what seemed to be a major flaw on her part. Everyone, especially Vex, questioned her aptness.

Luna was behind a crate, using her dagger to carve drawings into the crate as she waited for time to pass.

"What is that sound?" a female voice asked aloud to no one in particular. Luna held her breath and waited to be caught. Someone must have heard her dagger carving into the wood. Sapphire poked her head over the crate and raised an eye brow curiously.

"What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"Hiding" Luna said bluntly, hoping Sapphire wouldn't hand her over to Brynjolf.

"Bryn got you training again?" she asked with a knowing smile, sitting on the crate and peering over the edge to talk to Luna.

"Yeah. Sword training. I don't even use swords. Why do I have to use one?" Luna sighed.

"If you were to get yourself into a situation where the closest and only weapon is a sword, this training will turn out to be worth it. Its better to know how to use all the weapons than none at all" Sapphire said.

"I know how to use a dagger" Luna said, waving the sharp blade in her hand slightly.

"I can see that" Sapphire chuckled, looking at the drawings Luna had carved into the side of the cargo and supply crates.

"Mercer won't like that" she muttered to herself, just loud enough for Luna to hear.

"Have you seen Luna?" Brynjolf's voice asked, making the two girls jump. Sapphire looked at Luna who shook her head vigorously, silently begging Sapphire to not give away her location.

"I think I saw her and Rune walk into the Cistern" Sapphire said.

"Oh? ... I was just in there?" Brynjolf asked. Sapphire rose and dropped a shoulder lazily. Brynjolf looked like he was thinking before he turned and walked into the Cistern through the hidden door.

"Thanks" Luna said.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for me. I know you're supposed to be training. Brynjolf would kill me if he knew I hadn't sent you on your way" Sapphire said.

"Either way, I owe you one... But I guess I should get going. Thanks Sapph" Luna sad, standing up and putting her dagger away and making her way to Brynjolf in the Cistern.

"Ah, there you are. Where were you?" Brynjolf asked.

"Hiding" Luna said. She's a thief not a liar.

"Again?" Brynjolf asked with a grin, remembering the last time Luna had hidden from him.

She had hidden in a chest of Tonilia's things without her knowing, and accidentally broke a potion bottle. The potion was poison, a weak poison, that made her sick for the rest of the day. So either way, she had gotten out of doing training that day.

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