Entry 5

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Emo Angel... save me!

Entry 5


Tuesday 20th April 2013

I hate Tuesdays the most! I usually have the head teacher for my double lesson of Technology. He makes me work my ass of! He literately makes me stand up in front of the class and says "Listen up class, this is not what you want your life to be like. So work hard and don't give up like Andy does!" It seriously isn't right for the head teacher to take out individuals and give them lectures and humiliates them in front of the whole class.

What ever, it's over now. Well until the next time anyway. Hopefully it won't carry on because I am defiantly moving now. Oh, speaking of school, I was in Spanish class and some kid I haven't met before held up a pair of scissors and said to me "Cut."

I walked out of class after that.

I hope that when I die, people will read this stupid journal and see what they did to me. When I die I also want them to feel guilty for the rest of their lives, because this is what they made and this is what they caused. I mean every action has it's consequence, right?

Yeah, so I got home from school, mum and dad left two separate notes attached to the fridge and they both said the exact same thing: 

On a business meet, be home next Saturday. No Parties, or friends over.

So, the note was obviously meant for my brother who wasn't in yet. I threw the notes in the bin, it's not as if my brother actually cared to read it, with his stupid brain he'd go straight to the word Party. So later that night my brother came into his room, suitcases behind him just outside his barely used bedroom and he was asking me where mum and dad were.

I couldn't exactly lie to him now could I? He went and found the note and immediately called up all of his stupid friends and then all hell broke loose. People kept coming into my room, wearing almost nothing and music was vibrating through the whole house i'm surprised the whole god damn thing didn't collapse with us all in it.

You would probably go and get a drink and try to blend in. But, how could you blend in when everybody else is dressed to impress and then there's some freaky gloomy kid sitting in the corner whilst his older brother shouts at him to get back to his room? 

Most of the kids that came to the party were from his collage/university place he goes to. And to be honest, I honestly don't know and don't care which one it is that he goes to. I've wrote this so late at night that my handwriting is so messy it's unbelievable! 

What ever, good night boring pages of a book...

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