Without a second thought, Rin brushed his fingers against the wound and didn't bother to cringe when it stung. Before Bon reached out and took the teen's hand away from the grosum wound and pulled his shirt down. Almost as if to tell him not to touch it and let it heal, as he stood up and pulled out his phone to text someone.

"I promised your brother I'd look after you, while he's out on his mission." Bon explained, as he closed his phone and looked at the demon. "He let two days ago, and won't be back for another two. So you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."

'I never said I didn't like you.' The teen typed, before showing it to his classmate.

"Then how do we always end up on arguments?" Bon asked, giving him a frown. "We argue almost every day."

'A lot of things get in the way of having a normal conversation.'

"Like what?" Bon pressed, crossing his arms. "You've got nothing against me."

The demon hesitated, as he looked down at the keyboard and slid his fingers against the buttons. The memory of that love letter flashing through his head, as the demon gripped the phone tight and hesitantly replied.

'I have one thing against you, but I may never tell you.' Without a second for hesitation, Rin showed his classmate the message and looked away to avoid seeing his reaction.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Bon pressed, looking at him confusion. "It's not like I'll get mad."

'You'll be disgusted and probably hate me.'

"How do you know?"

'Fine, but I'll only give you a hint.' Rin gave in, as he felt uneasy because of his decision.

"Alright. Shoot."

'Love letter.'

Bon looked at the two words on the screen, in pure confusion, as a doctor from the order came in and interrupted Bon's train of thought.

"I'm here to look at your wound, Okumura." The male exorcist explained, a medical kit in his hand. "Yukio gave me the task of looking after you medically."

'Alright, just watch the bruising around the stitching. It stings.' Rin typed, before showing the exorcist.

"That's right. I almost forgot Yukio told me you lost your voice." The man spoke, as he walked over and sat in the chair Bon had slept in. "But you don't have to worry. I'm just here to see how it's healing and see how your muscles are doing."

'They're sore and hurt like hell.'

"A little therapy will do you some good."

Rin gave the man a nod, before turning to Bon and typing out a message, showing it to his classmate:

'I'm hungry. If it's alright with you, can you get me something to eat? I'll pay you back later.'

"It's fine. You don't have to pay me."

'I will.' Rin typed, before giving his classmate a serious look.

"Fine, what do you want?"

'Meat. Anything with meat.'

Bon let out a chuckle at his reply and gave him a nod, heading to the door.

"I'll get you something with meat, then. I'll be back in ten to fifteen." Bon replied, walking out the door and closing it behind him.

As the doctor lifted up the demon's shirt and started checking the huge wound, a curious look on his face.

"A classmate of yours?" He asked, as he examined the stitching.

'Yeah. Kind of.'


'I love him and he doesn't know.' Rin typed, showing it to him and typing more. "It may sound disgusting, but he will never know.'

"I don't think it's disgusting." The exorcist spoke, as he pulled out some ointment and started to spread it over the wound. "Everyone has the right to their own opinion on life. Yours is different from mine, but I won't judge you."

'You think I have a chance, if I tried?'

The exorcist gave him a smiled and finished up with treating him, before he put away his supplies and looked at the demon.

"After him and your brother brought you here, he wouldn't leave your bedside." He spoke, as he reached over and pulled the cords off the demon's chest from under his shirt and shut off the heart monitor; before taking off the air mask. "He hasn't gone to class and he's barely left this room, unless he really has to. If you ask me, he was extremely worried about you, but I don't know anything else."


"Your welcome, and don't forget to get plenty of rest. Your demonic powers seem to be more powerful when you sleep."

The demon gave the exorcist a nod and watched him leave, till the door closed and he let out a mute sigh. Wondering what he was going to do about Amaimon's game and if he was going to make the deadline at this rate.

12:38 pm

Bon let out a sigh, as he leaned against the counter and waited for the food he had bought for Rin, and chewed on his bottom lip.

'Love letter.'

The words seemed to ring a bell to the Exwire, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Sure, he had gotten lots of love letters, but nothing seemed to hit any points with him. What had happened to make Rin so upset, that had to deal with a love letter. The demon had never written, from what he had seen, and Rin's handwriting was messy enough to recognize compared to everyone else in class. As far as he knew, Rin never had even really liked someone. Shiemi was a sweet girl, but it was obvious they were good friends. None the less, the more he seemed to ponder the fact; the harder it came to understand.

Giving up, Bon pulled out his cell phone and called Shima as one o the chiefs handed him a box of food and he paid for it.

"Hello? This is Renzou Shima speaking." The pink-haired teen spoke from the other end of the line. "If you're a cute babe-"

"Shima, it's me." Bon growled, as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Look at the caller ID."

"Oh, god! Bon! I'm sorry!" The teen panicked, as Miwa spoke in the background. "I thought the chick from my history class was calling!"

"Whatever. I need you to get something for me."

"What do you need?" The Exwire's best friend asked, as he heard him get up.

"Get the wooden box out of my closet, the one on the bottom, near the back; and bring it here." Bon instructed, as he headed down the hall. "I need it."

"Alright." Shima sighed, as he started rummaging around. "Hey, when are coming back to class? Shura is getting pissed."

"When Yukio gets back, or Rin gets back on his feet."

"I think Rin-chan can take care of himself, Bon." Shima sighed, as the Exwire heard him grab the box. "It's got to be awkward for him to be in the same room with you."

"I'm taking care of him, till his brother gets back, and what do you mean by that?" Bon asked, hearing his friend sigh.

"Ever since the love letter incident, Rin-chan has been acting more shutout than usual." Shima said, as he heard the teen close the door to the dorms. "Even Okumura-Sensei had noticed it."

"Letter incident? What letter incident?"

"You didn't know?" Shima asked, as he let out a sigh of dismay. "You remember the day someone hung up one of the love letters you got and Rin-chan got mad?"


"It was Rin's."


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