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Day 2



"Will he be alright?" A voice asked in the distance, echoing in the demon's head.

"I can't be sure." Another spoke, a saddened tone in his voice. "He lost so much blood, before I got there. Even with me blood and his demonic healing abilities, I don't think it will be enough."

"But there has to be something we can do." The voice from before spoke up, anger in his tone. "You can't let your own brother die!"

"I've done everything I can, Suguro. We just have to wait and see if he'll pull through."

"Like hell I'm waiting!" Bon's voice yelled, as a door slammed and footsteps sounded in the distance. "I'm not leaving your side, till you're awake. You can count on it, idiot."

Day 5



Slowly, but surely, the demon pulled himself out of unconsciousness and opened his eyes. The room dark around him and very little sunlight peeking out of the drawn curtains, as the teen looked around the room and noticed the heart monitor next to the bed. An air mask over the demon's face and Bon asleep next to the bed. His classmate still dressed in his school uniform and his backpack near the door. Bags under the older teen's eyes and his once gelled back hair in his face, as his chest rose and fell with his breathing. As the younger went to reach out and wake up his classmate, till he pulled his arm closer and silently hissed in pain. The lack of moving for so long leaving his muscles sore and aching, as he smacked his head against the pillow behind his head and his classmate shifted in his sleep. The older teen practically jumping awake, as if he realized he fell asleep, and noticed the demon was awake. A look of relief washing over the teen's face, as he reached out and took the younger teen's hand.

"Are you feeling alright?" Bon asked, looking at the demon with a slight bit of worry in his gaze.

Rin gave him a slight shrug and Bon chuckled, as he got out of his chair and sat on the edge of the bed; grabbing the demon's phone and handing it to him.

"What's the shrug for?"

'Everything is sore, but I can deal with it.' Rin typed, before he showed his classmate.

"Well, that's good." Bon spoke in relief, as he got up and went over to the window to pull the curtains open. "You've been asleep for four days. Everyone in class has been worried about you."

Rin's heart stopped for a moment, as he hit the end button on his phone and stared at the date on the screen. The demon realizing he had lost four whole days in Amaimon's little game and hasn't any closer than he had been four days ago. As Bon opened the curtains, letting the light in, and turned to see the demon staring at the cell phone in his hand, a depressed look on his face. Before Bon walked over and sat on the bed, making the demon look at him and set his phone down. A look of uncertainty and sadness worn out in his gaze, before he looked away and closed his eyes. Bon looking down at his lap and trying to find something to say, as the teen on the bed shifted against the mattress; before he tried to sit up. A look of pain brushing across his features, as Bon stood up and got up to help the demon sit up.

"Take it easy." The older teen spoke, as helped the demon sit up and propped the pillow up behind him. "You don't want to rip open your stitches."


"You got your side ripped open by that huge hobgoblin." Bon spoke, giving the demon a small look of worry. "Don't you remember?"

After staring at his classmate in confusion, Rin pulled his shirt up a bit to find a huge dark purple bruise marring his skin, and long gash marks on top of it. The damage obviously having healed a lot, otherwise he would've been bleeding out. Stitches keeping the skin together and some kind of ointment rubbed over it.

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