Chapter 13: Loving a Wolf

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Content Warning!!!  Alright, so this whole chapter is going to be one massive smut between the main characters.  So, if your sensitive minds can't handle it, kindly skip to the next chapter once it comes out.  For those of you that could care less or have some desperate need to revel in all the smexy details, feel free to read my garbage to your heart's desire.

Fair warning to those of you that are going to read this, the last one was all tender and loving, as a first time should be.  THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS ONE IS LIKE!!!!  Needless to say, Kyle has gotten sick of sitting on the sidelines, and has decided that enough is enough.  For those of you that were looking for a tender, loving reunion for our couple, brace yourselves because this chapter has got some bite!  Much more of a dom/sub situation going on here, so brace yourselves for a bit of extra kinky action.

Alright, I've said enough already.  For those of you that enjoy reading this stuff, (I do as well so don't worry), feel free to comment, or not.  For those of you that don't like this stuff, KINDLY REFRAIN FROM READING IT! 

Anyway, now that we have the all-important content warning out of the way, ON WITH THE BOOK!!!!


I hummed to myself as I snuggled closer to Aaron's chest. At the moment he was carrying me up to our room in bridal fashion while I rested my cheek against his heart. I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips as I remembered the moments following his revival. I still found it endearing and slightly funny that we had both yelled the same thing at the very same instant.

I had just finished kissing Aaron, when Renée walked up behind me and asked, "Alpha, I know this may be a bad time, but would you mind stepping into my office so I can give you a quick checking over? I just want to make sure everything is alright with your body before anything happens."

In an instant I had felt his arms tighten around me, and I felt Melanie surge to the surface as she glared daggers at the doctor. We couldn't have done it better if we had planned it, but at the exact same moment, we both yelled out "Mine!" as we pressed our bodies together.

With some gentle coaxing from both the doctor as well as the rest of the pack, Aaron had agreed to go with the doctor, but only if I was at his side. No one saw a problem with that, (I would have skinned anyone who said otherwise), and in a matter of minutes, Renée gave Aaron a clean bill of health. Immediately following our exit from the pack hospital, Aaron had lifted me into his arms and told everyone that we were going to be spending some time together, alone. Needless to say no one had anything to comment, and we left our pack behind as Aaron carried me into the pack house.

I was jostled from the memory as my back hit the soft mass of our bed, and I looked up to see Aaron's eyes had shifted from their warm green to ice blue. I almost flinched at the pure hunger that flared within those crystal depths, and I felt my body heating slightly as Kyle eyed me up and down.

"K-Kyle," I asked, "what are you doing taking over Aaron?"

His gaze locked with mine and I almost felt Sarah flinch under the raw power behind those eyes, "The boy's had his turn with you. You gave me no choice but to sit in a corner when you two mated. Now I want what's rightfully mine, and Aaron's agreed to let me have my time now that we're all alone."

My breath hitched in my throat as he climbed onto the bed, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he seemed to stalk me across the mattress. I tried to formulate a response to what he had said, but my mind kept coming up with blanks as his gaze held me captive. Like a bird frozen before a serpent, my body refused to follow any of the commands my racing mind sent. I felt like I was falling into those aqua depths and it wasn't until his hand ran up my shin that I remembered to breath.

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