Chapter 2

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Once we got to school people started to swarm the car.

Did I mention that Axel and Blake are the soon to be alphas of my pack? Well now I did. Because they are the soon to be alphas they are popular at school, unlike me who likes to keep to myself and only talk to my small group of friends.

As I was saying when we got out of the car people started to talk to Axel and Blake all at once. It sounded like someone was blasting a boom box. I struggled to get out of the crowd while every one started to follow Axel and Blake. Which were trying to find me. Once I got out of the mass I went inside to my locker.

When I reached my locker I saw one of my other friends, Lacy, leaning against it. When she saw my she yelled "HEY BIACH!". As you can tell she is the talker in between us. I just mumble hi and got my stuff for first period. Science. I love science.

-after 1st 2nd and 3rd period-

I have already gotten Science, S.S, and L.A. over with. Now it's lunch. The first time I will see Blake and Axel since this morning. I may sound like a creep but it's just that their my best friends. I love them just not like that.

When I enter the cafeteria Blake and Axel wave me over. I just smile and go over. They sit at the popular table and I feel so out of place. But they always make me feel normal even though I'm not. "Hey guys how are ya'll." I ask. Axel is the one to answer "Terrible, I just left math".  "I can tutor you if you'd like." I offered. "That would be perfect, how about I come to your house after school tonight." Axel suggested. Blake but in "I need help too maybe I could come too." "Sounds like a plan see ya'll tonight." I said right as the bell rang. I just have to get through the next few classes and then im home free I thought to myself. 


sorry ya'll that the chapters are so short I just don't know what to write if you have any ideas comment then and I will give you partial credit. I just need a few ideas thank you

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