John's back

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Here we are guy's our 8th game "the coach said".We all got pumped up.Robert picked a play hail mary Robert looked at me but i wasn't open so Robert passed it to Jay and he caught it 1st down.We were tied 14-14 if Robert picked the right play in under 12 seconds Robert picked the play.They hiked the ball Robert passed it to Jay he Passed to me and we Scored.We won the game already because there was 3 seconds left.We kick time was up Nathan tackled Raymond Gonzalez.We were undefeatable 8-0.Were number 1 but we are aiming for championship.We were all tierd from the game me Nufie Eligha Jay Nathan and Robert.We all saw something rustle in the bushes I already knew it was it was John.He came out with five other kids his age we all knew what it ment it was a gang fight.We all started fighting until Robert pulled out a .99 magnum we all stopped we technically we won.But the Coach found out about Robert with the gun the coach suspended Robert for the rest of the season.We all felt bad for Robert.Most of us put our helmets, to the ground but i told the coach to give Robert one last chance because it was to late for sign ups and there was no back-up quarter back so the coach changed his mind.Robert was givin' lunges and push ups for pulling out a gun.But he learned his mistake and he swore he won't do it again.Now we started practice we growed muscles over the 8 games we played now we were stronger and faster.We made up a offence play called jam middle disadvantage they think were just going to pass it but were gunna keep tossing till the end zone.And we made the defence play it is called leap frog Eligha will hop on top of Chris's back and sack the quarterback.It will proboly let us score and defend the end zone.

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