"Kids are secure! Roof team, go!" One of the men shouted into a walkie-talkie. From the helicopters, were more armed men who slid down ropes, breaking through the windows to get into the Shack. Jeez, have these guys ever heard of a door? Oh wait. They're storming through it as I think.

The agents began to surround the Shack with police tape and Dipper, Mabel and I watched as Stan was pressed onto a police car, handcuffed. We cautiously neared him as two men in suits emerged. 

"The government guys?!" Dipper exclaimed. "I though you were eaten by zombies!"

"We survived." One of the men said, before proceeding to Stan with a tablet. "This is security footage of a government waste facility. At 0400 hours last night, someone robbed three hundred gallons of toxic waste."

"What?!" Stan appeared shocked. "You thought that was me?!"

"Don't play dumb with us, Pines." The agent spat.

"No! Last night I was re-stocking the gift shop, I swear!" He protested, but was shoved into a police car.

"Grunkle Stan!" Mabel cried.

"No, no, no - you've got the wrong guy!" I said to the government guys. "Sure, he may shoplift the occasional tangerine but he's no supervillain!"

The man knelt down to us. "Listen, kid, we've been watching this family all summer and we've seen some pretty disturbing things, but there is nothing as dangerous as what your uncle is hiding. Somewhere hidden in this Shack is a doomsday device!"

I stared at Mabel and Dipper in disbelief. The man ordered the other to take Mabel and Dipper, I also having to go with them for knowing to much information. Soon, we were guided to a separate vehicle, watching as they took away Stanford Pines.


We had managed to escape the government agents and made our way to the Shack. Mabel took her grappling hook, shooting towards the Shack and we ziplined our way in. Sneaking past guards and police, we made it to Stan's office, creaking open the door and triple locking it once we were in. We then began to search for surveillance tapes to prove Stan innocent. Mabel then found a hidden switch and pulled it, revealing the surveillance tapes along with a small television.

"Yes!" We cheered in unison. The tape in the VHS player was labelled "Gift Shop - Tuesday". This was it! We can finally prove Stan innocent! We fast forwarded it to 6:45, where Stan was re-stocking.

"Look! Stan was re-stocking just like he said! And the date shows this was last night!" Dipper smiled. "It's proof! He's innocent!"

I watched the tape and saw Stan exit the gift shop afterwards. I then continued to fast-forward it until 5:00 a.m. There was a guy in a yellow suit wheelbarrowing what seemed to be a barrel into the gift shop. Oh no...

"D-Don't panic!" Mabel laughed nervously. "That could be anyone in that suit!"

The figure dropped a barrel onto his foot. "HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES! Wait... I'm alone! I can swear for real! SON OF A-" Mabel quickly covered her ears as I turned the screen off.

"Yep... That's him..." I sighed. Dipper pulled a box from the cabinet. He turned on the desk light and we began to look through the box.

"What's all this?" Mabel looked through the papers and passports.

"These are fake IDs! You wouldn't need these unless you were trying to hid your real identity!" Dipper frowned. I then found a clip of a newspaper article in the box. Carefully I picked it up, stumbling back one I had read the headline.


We read through the article. "Unamed grifter at large?" Dipper thought out loud. 

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