Part I

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This is a three-part short story for the semi-finals of FrozenInTime's Historical Smackdown. It is alternative history that tells the epic tale of the Trojan War with a different twist. I hope you all enjoy!

Ancient Greece: Trojan War

Word count: about 6850 (sorry!)

Part I

The Suitors

    Julia combed through Helen's satin golden-blonde hair, as her mistress sat gazing off, hazily, out the window. The fair Helen had recently been returned since her abduction by Theseus, who had intended to make her his wife. Knowing that his daughter will bring forth many rich suitors from other kingdoms, Tyndareus sent an army to have Helen brought home, losing several men in the process. For this, instead of being the warm welcoming father, the king cursed his daughter.

    Julia took in a breath and uttered, softly, "I am sorry about what your father said earlier."

    "About me being a curse to all the lands?" Helen replied dimly, clearly holding back tears. "It matters not. He is not my real father anyway."

    Julia only nodded as she continued to comb the princess's hair. She knew very well Helen believed her father to be none other than Zeus, the king of the gods. She had told Julia that Zeus disguised himself and came to her mother, Leda, in her bed chambers while her husband was away. Personally, Julia thought that Queen Leda had an affair and told her husband it was the king of the gods to avoid his wrath.

    At the sound of a rough knock, Julia turned her head. A moment later, King Tydareus marched in.

    The king eyed Julia and asked, "Is she almost ready?"

    Without a word, Julia merely nodded.

    "Good," Tydareus spoke ruffly, and then looked to his daughter. "You would not believe the number of men foolish enough to have you for a wife. Best to choose wisely. Once your decision is made, that will be the end of it. I have ordered each prince to swear oath to defend the man you take for your husband should you fall victim to another man. Do you understand, my daughter?"

    "Yes," Helen replied in a dull tone.

    "Helen, we have been over this. I am your father. You may not believe so but I was the one that raised you so you will address me as such."

    "Yes, Father," Helen answered without emotion.

    Helen followed her father, the king, out to towards the front of the castle, where the fair princes awaited. All eyes fell onto the youngest princess the moment she came into sight. Julia could see why as Helen's body radiated every feature just perfectly. Her skin was fair with just the right amount of glow. Her eyes carried the ocean wherever they went and her cheeks had just a hint of rose without any powder. Yes, Julia understood how easy it was for people to believe Helen's father to be a deity. Some even went as far to say she was more fair than the goddess, Aphrodite.

    Once Helen sat beside her the king, the suitors were brought forth one by one, each expected to introduce themselves. Julia stood behind where her mistress sat and watched. As each prince came forth, Helen appeared rather apathetic. It got to the point where she barely gazed into the men's eyes.

    It was not until a certain man materialized in front of her eyes that finally caught Helen's attention. He had a rough yet perfectly shaped body. His face was hard yet his eyes were gentle.

    Helen sat up straighter on her throne, asking, "And you might you be, kind sir?"

    The man bowed, his deep red cloak falling over his right arm. "I am Agamemnon, son of Atreus, and king of Mycenae."

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