Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Maddy's POV

The heater blew out again. Dangit. Now Griffin is crying. As much as it ached, I got up anyway and rocked my toddler brother silently sushing the child as I took the quilt off my bed and wrapped it around him. The color was coming back to his cheeks, but now I'm freezing. Time to sneak out again. I knew it was risky, considering what happened last time, but I can't freeze to death, then no one will be there to protect Griffin and Kayla. I gently shook her awake and I grabbed my shawl (even thinner than the dress I might add) and helped Kayla lace up her worn out black boots. Old fashioned, I know, but it's all we own. That and the silver locket I try to hide (Maddy's outfit: I quietly open the rickety old window, cringing every time it made a sound. No one stirred. I helped a still groggy Kayla (her outfit: out the window then carefully handed her the sleeping Griffin (his outfit: I went last, then carefully shut the window behind us. I took back Griffin and laid his head on my shoulder, his little legs barely wrapped around my waist, and held Kayla's hand. We sprinted to the supermarket, hoping I have enough money to keep us warm.
The heater was VERY welcoming, considering that there was a blizzard outside. I wanted to stay here forever, but no such luck, for I knew cameras would see me hide and not come out. I walked to the home section and tried to find a warm blanket that wouldn't look suspicious. I finally found it, and took two. I edged to the back of the longest line, but on my way there I bumped into a blonde young man walking up to the same line with snacks, now strewn everywhere all over the floor.
" I'm SO sorry, sir! I didn't mean to! I'll pick it right up!" I said, as an embarrassed blush crept onto my face as the store watched the scene unfold. I gave Griffin to Kayla, but she was staring at all the food dropped. He chuckled and got onto his knees and helped me as he chuckled,"That's quite alright, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going."
His voice was very different, well at least it was different from the harsh London accent I hear everyday. I think he saw my confusion, because he only laughed harder. " I think as you can tell, I'm not from around here, but you on the other hand don't exactly sound like you live here either."
The embarrassed blush grew to another impossible shade of red. "Yeah. I was born in America. Ohio, I think."
"Well, I'm Niall, and I'm from Mullingar, Ireland. It's nice to meet you..." He said, not sure of my name as he extended his hand. I took it and said, "Maddy. It's nice to meet you too, Niall."
We were still on our knees. I handed him back the rest of his things and stood up, brushing my hands down my thin dress and stockings. Kayla pulled on my sleeve, while trying to balance Griffin in the other arm. I quickly grabbed him from her to prevent injury. "Sissy, can I have candy?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. Typical 6 yr olds. "I'm sorry, Kayla, but not today. I don't have enough money."
I had grabbed a 20 from my emergency pillowcase I hid under a loose floorboard under my bed. I worked in the library after school. I told them I was 15. Her look of despair broke my heart, but I knew I'd be in trouble if Miss Amanda finds candy wrappers. "Aww! Ok.." I felt SO bad, but I knew I just couldn't do it. I paid for the blankets, a nickel in change.
I sighed as I tried to usher Kayla out of the store, but I wasn't fast enough. Niall stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder, firm enough to jolt my shoulder and leg. I tried not to wince, so it ends up as a grimace. "Hey," he started to say, but he noticed the grimace. "A-are you okay? W-where are your parents?"
I could see his concern, and I knew I shouldn't have lied, but it probably wouldn't have a good outcome. "I-I'm fine. Really! And, my parents are waiting outside. We just needed to grab a few things."
"Oh. Well, in case you need help or anything, not that it's charity, but like a friend, do you like, wanna exchange numbers?"
Here comes the blush again.
"I-uh. I don't have a phone," I sheepishly answered. He handed me an old iPhone 4s and a charger and said," Now you do! I'm already programmed in there, so you can call me whenever you want."
I was speechless. No one's ever given me anything before. "T-thank you. I-I don't know what to say..." I glanced at the clock on the phone. 12:00?!?!
"Oh my gosh, I -I gotta go, but don't worry! I'll call when I get the chance!" I said as I tightly gripped Kayla's hand and with gritted teeth ran as fast as we could back to the orphanage. It was very cold when we got back, and I let Griffin keep my blanket and spread one of the blankets over Kayla's fragile frame. I then wrapped the blanket tightly around me and began to explore on how to work the phone. I immediately downloaded iBooks and Garage Band. I had heard about them from my only friend, Ava. She was rich, so she was extremely familiar with technological things. I would ask for her number later. When it was 2:30 I put the phone under the floorboard in my stash, and I made sure I turned the sound down and flipped a switch I think controlled something called a "ringer". Maybe it controls the ringtone? Meh, I'll figure it out later. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the old pillow and tried to sleep off the dread of what was to come tomorrow.

Home (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora