My senior year in high school, and my parents decide to give me a house.

I guess they just don't want me to live with them, since they had four more kids to take care of. Oh yeah, you read right.


There were seven of us living in a medium sized house.

It was my older brother, Jones, then me, Ian. After that, my younger sisters, Scarlette, Violet, and Ivy. Then the five year old twins, Flora and Finn.

Yeah, my parents were pretty busy. 

Jones is in college, and I'm a senior in high school. Scarlette is a junior, Violet a freshman, and Ivy in eighth grade.

Scarlette actually lives with me in the house. But she practically lives at her boyrfriends house, Kendal.

All of us Corlett's have trademark eyes, I don't know why.

It all started with our mom.

She has these sparkling gray eyes, but when she gets mad, it dulls into fierce ones. Then it sparks up again when she's not mad.

All of us kids seem to have it.

It sucks for me, because all of the people I know knows when I'm mad or happy.

People who know me or my family well make sure to back away from us when our eyes turn to a dull color.

[Avery POV]

"Ugh, stupid parents." I mutter.

I drag my suitcase on the ground.

"Stupid Kyran! Stupid suitcase!" I mutter to myself again.

This can't be healthy for me...Muttering to myself, I mean.

This sucks.

The bag was so damn heavy...

I groan, set the suitcase down, and look at my little map I brought.

Oh yeah, I was so responsible. I brought my own MAP. How much more responsible can I get?!

"All right. So this is where I am..." I point at the map.

"And this is...where the bus station is...?" I point to the completely different direction I was standing at the moment.

Are you...serious?

From pure anger, I rip the map in two.

I hate this.

I hate the person who made maps.

I feel a drop land on my arm.

"What the...hell?" I say, and look at my arm and the place where the drop landed.

It's water. I think to myself. Then I think bitterly, Well good observation Sherlock.

"Water? Why is it...O-h crap."

Now, my town has drastic weather changes. So if it's sunny one minute, you should always carry an umbrella just in case.

So, from this? It means it's most likely going to pour down raining.

And the second I think that, I hear thunder, and then water spray down on me.

The liquid poured on me, and I mean POURED.

"Augh DAMN it!" I yell, and try to find someplace where I can take cover. My clothes are probably ruined by now...

Stupid rain.

Stupid people who like rain.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I see a house, and think there's no choice but to ask if I can stay there. I mean, I can't go back to the house. No no, I'd stay at a kidnapper's house before I go back to my house.

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