Chapter 2

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Daniel's POV

It was late, around 11:30 pm and I couldn't sleep. I decided to watch a movie until I was sleepy, but I had no snacks at home and I just couldn't watch a movie with no snacks, so I went down to the store that was open 24/7.

I had my favorite sweatpants and a grey hoodie on. I usually didn't dress so casually, because the company I was working for wanted us to dress formally. But on the weekends I was a lazy ass, going everywhere in sweatpants or just staying at home sleeping or watching movies. My apartment was on the third floor so it took me some time to go down. I rarely used the elevator 'cause I had to stay in shape, so taking the stairs became a habit I guess. The store was about five to ten minutes away. There was an alley you had to pass, when going to the store, but it wasn't dangerous. It was only full of dumpsters and trash was everywhere.

When I was close to the alley I heard a lot of noise. Those were voices. I went to see what was going on and I saw three guys beating up a small boy. He was trying to protect himself with his hands and was whimpering silently with every kick he got. They were obviously drunk, because 1. No one picks up a fight with no reason and 2. They smelled like orcs. I was determined to help the boy, although there were three of them. I yelled that I would call the police on them, and they left the boy on the floor and vanished.

I came over to him, but he tried to crawl away. I asked him if he wanted me to take him home, but he said he was already home. That confused me for a moment, but the next second I figured he was homeless. How could such a young guy be homeless?  I was wondering. He looked to be around eighteen, but maybe he was even older. I couldn't guess because he was really short and had a small frame.

I told him he was going with me and grabbed his arm, but when he stood up his legs were wobbly. They beat him up pretty bad so I helped him walk by leaning him on me. I wanted to pick him up and carry him, but he protested. He even asked me if I was going to kill him and sell his organs. I looked at him with wide eyes wondering what made him think that. I had to ask if I looked that scary or what, but he just said that you could never be careful enough.

He also said he didn't trust people, so that he just had to check what my intentions were. I had no hidden motives. I just wanted to help a kid in trouble.

"Oh I forgot to ask. What's your name?"
"Nicholas" he said.
"You have a nice name" I told him and smiled "I'm Daniel, but you can call me Dan."
He just nodded. When we reached my building and entered, I told him I lived on the third floor, so that it would be a good idea to use the elevator. Nicholas looked at me weirdly but didn't say anything except a quiet "okay".

When we entered the elevator his face has suddenly gotten even paler and his hands were shaking. He clung to my shirt like his life depended on it, and I figured he was scared of elevators a LOT when he was clinging to a stranger like that, 'cause not ten miutes ago he said that he didn't trust people. When we reached our floor, he hurried outside, although he was in pain.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were afraid of elevators?" I asked him.
"I didn't want to bother you" he said looking at the floor.
I just shook my head and led him to my apartment. When we entered, he took his shoes off and just stood in the hall. I told him to come to the livingroom and sit on the couch until I prepared a bath and got some clothes for him. I went to do what I said and when I came back he was in the livingroom but didn't sit on the couch.
"Why didn't you sit? You must be in a lot of pain" I said.
"I didn't want to dirty your couch" he answered
My heart crushed at those words. "You don't have to worry about things like that, just make yourself comfortable" I said trying to make him feel better. Then I led him to the bathroom and told him I would be in the kitchen if he needed anything. He was pretty quick with the bath, and after he was done he looked like a completely different person. I gotta admit it was cute seing him in oversized clothes pulling the sleeves over his hands. As he entered the kitchen I served him some dinner and gave him painkillers to help with the injuries he suffered. After he ate and thanked me profusely I showed him to the guest room he was going to stay in. I also showed him where my room was in case he needed anything during the night. Then we both said our goodnights and went to sleep.

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