At Rest

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As the shuttle took off and Lanteeb grew smaller and smaller in the viewports, Anakin Skywalker allowed himself to *feel*. He'd been so concerned about Obi-Wan throughout the whole ordeal; weakened after Zigoola, and still spending every moment and ounce of energy healing Torbel's sick and wounded, Anakin had been worried that Obi-Wan would just keel over before help arrived. But Obi-Wan hadn't, and now they were heading home, the shuttle quickly docking in Resolute's bay.

Now that he was stopping to think about it, Anakin wasn't sure how long it was going to take for him to regain his depleted reserves of energy. He felt drained in a way he never had before, not on Maridun, not on Geonosis. He got the distinct feeling he was leaving behind part of himself on Lanteeb; not that he regretted what he'd done, of course. Pouring his own life force into the village's shields had been a necessary action, one he would do again in a heartbeat. But still.

"General Skywalker." Admiral Yularen's presence was a relief, a sense of normalcy after so long of thinking he'd never set foot on his flagship again.

"Admiral," Anakin replied. He wanted to go to the bridge, wanted to watch Lanteeb disappear into a smear of hyperspace. If he stopped moving now, he wasn't sure he'd ever start again.

Yularen gave him a critical eye as two clone troopers herded Obi-Wan out of the docking bay. Anakin half wanted to follow, but mostly he wanted to keep moving. Obi-Wan needed rest; he and Anakin had been spending far too much time together anyway.

"I was informed that you are to go to medbay immediately, General," Yularen told him firmly. Anakin stared at the Admiral, unsure of whether or not he felt up to an argument. Well, maybe a little argument.

"I'm fine," he said, holding up a hand. "No worries, Admiral, I got checked out by the field medics." It was true, too. Coric had done an admirable job of getting him some ration bars and taking his pulse before Anakin had pushed him towards Obi-Wan.

Yularen arched an eyebrow. "Who do you think informed me you needed to go to medbay?" he asked.

Anakin was tempted to huff, but he respected Yularen - the poor man was just doing his job. Besides, Anakin had a nasty headache; he could snatch some blockers and be on his way. "Fine," he said, shaking his head. "But when they tell me I'm fine, I'm coming back to say I told you so."

Yularen's mouth quirked slightly. "Whatever you say, General," he replied dryly.

Medbay seemed like an awful long walk from the docking bay. Anakin was tempted to lean against the bulkhead to catch his breath several times, but he shook off the impulse - he wasn't that bad off; he didn't want his men to think he was playing up how badly he felt, even as he had to stop to stretch his cramping calf muscles. For a moment, he forgot where he was going, the realization jarring him into better awareness, and he made sure not to stop again until he reached the medbay.

MD-430, the med 'droid on duty, whirred over to him. "I've been expecting you, General," the 'droid said, motioning for Anakin to follow him.

Anakin cleared his throat, suddenly hyper-aware of how dirty he was, and how badly he must have smelled: two weeks without showering or changing clothes, and he was very, very conscious of the way the rough fabric felt against his skin. "D'you mind if I shower first?" he asked, pretty sure all he really needed was some clean clothes and a glass of water or two. Or maybe a nap. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept.

"Of course not, Sir," the 'droid replied, and led him to the small 'fresher in the back of the medbay. He passed Obi-Wan, who was hooked up to a bag of fluids, and who seemed pleased to see Anakin. He scowled slightly, displeased at the machinations he was sure Obi-Wan had set in motion to get him here, but nodded in his former Master's direction.

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