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Alright. So this is, by far, the longest story I have ever written. I did it for NaNoWriMo. It's finished, but I'll upload between editing and sequel writing. Then I'll probably be back on, editing what's already here. I really enjoyed writing it, and I laughed a lot (but that might be more me laughing at my own jokes rather than other people joining in). I would love feedback, ESPECIALLY criticism. If you see any problems: characters, dialouge, plot, grammer--anything--please, tell me. I like to know what I'm doing wrong, so i can do better :).

I really hope you enjoy it.


May 24. 11:36pm

            They were crouched in the shadows, watching—waiting. The heady smell of alcohol and sweat drifted on the air. It was getting stronger, closer and closer to the house that shadowed them.

            So close…

            The anticipation and adrenalin had some of the members begin to fidget. The scent of their target was now at the house. It added a whole new intensity to those watching, but they had to be careful, and wait and time the attack. So much could go wrong, and already so much had. Now wasn’t the time for mistakes.

            A door slammed and a new voice called. The eyes waiting in the forest shot up to the bedroom window on the second floor. It was that light they were waiting for. The previous two voices continued in the living room, a television flickering in the windows, while steps thumped upstairs.

            Their target was alone.

            One specific group member watched the window with bright, hungry intent, impatience welling and ears following every sound of the slow ascend. Every hollow thump echoed like a watched clock in the middle of the night.

            They started to silently climb a tree that dipped close to the window they wanted when the light flickered on. The dark night and forest gave them a smug confidence that even prying eyes wouldn’t see a thing.

            It was so quiet, like even the trees were holding their breath. The window made the smallest sound as the member with hungry eyes pushed it open.

            Their target had been turned away, but stilled at the slight creak. The member pushed in, the grace of a predator playing choreographer.

            Its target turned around, surprised, confused, recognizing who now stood in the room. Surprise, though, soon turned to horror at what came in next. That’s when the low, guttural scream sounded from their lips.

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