Chapter 15: Wisdom of the Ages

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Tada! Your long awaited chapter awaits you.  I'm actually pleased with how this chappie turned out, so maybe you should, oh, I don't know, VOTE?????!

*Insert praying emoji here*

Oh, and before I forget, there's also a nice bit of Elrond in this, so happy reading Elrond fans \ (O>^<O)/

Yay me....

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Chapter 15

Elrond's POV (Because I know some people were dying for this one ^.^)

I remained in the beautifully crafted chairs designed my people, staring at the sun. Much had been on my mind of late, and this only served to add on to my fears.

There was no doubt about it now; the evil would arise once again. Because of her. The Prophesied Child had appeared; the calm before the storm.

The daughter of Galadriel of the Lothlórien Realm, beloved princess of her people - of all people - and the one fated to battle the darkness. All of Middle Earth was hers to control; their very fate depended on her for survival.

Ironically, Thranduil's name for her had been the same one that the Lady of Light had long given her before she was forced to give away the child.

Of all the names Thranduil could have given her, he chose that one unknowingly. Pharâzindil, meaning 'golden flower.' How ironic indeed, I mused. So he sees her as a flower, eh? How interesting.

I sighed again as my mind drifted of to other pressing matters.   Blindly staring past the protective waters running from the Misty Mountains, I thought of the ominous message received from Gandalf.

Lately, news of a mysterious sorcerer had reached Imladris. It would be too foolish to hope that a 'mere' Necromancer was simply a human with petty magic tricks dabbling the dark arts; no, this reeked of the Witch King or Sauron's doing, but how was this possible? Sauron had been defeated in the last war.

Not to mention that the white council refused to consider that possibility, with the exception of Gandalf and the Lady....probably.

Not only that, but it would appear that Azog was alive, and thirsting for blood - more specifically, the blood of a certain dwarf line. And Azog was only loyal to Sauron.

I knew that Gandalf would urge Thorin Oakenshield to reclaim his homeland, Erebor - the lonely mountain which held the dragon Smaug - if only to prevent the forces of darkness from employing Smaug's help. The dragon owed no allegiance to the light nor the dark, but should he choose to side with...he would be a terrifying force, I acknowledged.

And lastly, Dol Guldur was rising. Angmar now had an aura.

It was faint, but there was no doubt of the growing power laying there. And the unfortunate part was that few would believe me, even with my powers of foresight.

Angmar, where the Nine rested.  Where they, the Nine Ringwaithes, were imprisoned for all of eternity...with spells so strong it shpuld have been impossible - almost.  But all magic, even one forged from the very veins of Quenya from the language of the Valar, had it's limitations.

And then there was the other.

Dol Guldur, the Hill of Sorcery...something was happening in that hideous place. I inwardly shuddered. The light around me flickered for a bit, so strong was the potency of this evil. The stubbornness of the white council, save Galadriel and Gandalf, was infuriating, however. History must not repeat itself, though it was already too late to change our course. 
I sighed once again, and buried my face in my arms.  This was too much; we had only defeated the dark one in the last age.

The Nine were had been locked up in the forbidden tower, with numerous seals and enchantment places upon each rider to prevent the catastrophe from ever to repeat itself, supposedly.

But what if...a nagging voice persisted in the back of my head. 

I refused to think about that possibility.

A knock gently rapped upon the study, interrupting my dark thoughts.

Placing a weary smile, I called "Enter."

To my surprise, in came Galadriel's daughter. 

Motioning for her to sit upon a chair in the study, I sat across from her, staring at her features.

She had cleaned up in the bath that the healer had drawn for her before leaving, and had put on a spare dress of Arwen's.

She is truly like her mother, I thought with a smile.

"My Lord," the princess of Lothorìen addressed respectfully.

"I have much to ask you, if you would be willing to answer." She proceed to continue.

I could not help a furrow of my brow slip into my face. "I had a feeling you would ask that, Pharâzindil."

"Ask away, for much has been hidden from,your mind, and all will be answered....but be prepared for the weight that truth brings."

And with that, I proceeded to answer all (if not most) of the questions from the young elfling.

Pharâzindil's POV

Leaving Lord Elrond's quarters, rather, uncle Elrond, I was in...shock.  Shock and disbelief mostly, as well as the burden of a new responsibility that had been placed upon me as a consequence of my newfound discoveries. 

I was afraid. 

After I bowed to uncle and left, I slid along the side of the columns, head buried in arms and knees drawn up.   What a pitiful sight I make, I thought sarcastically.   Luckily for me, there were no observers to mock me; I was attempting not to hyperventilate from the shock.

"Perhaps I should have listen to him" I shakily said aloud.  My voice cracked.  "Then perhaps...perhaps I-I could have r-remained in ignorant bl-bliss....if only but a little l-longer."

Finally, I lost my calm demeanour, and soon tore through the halls of Rivendell.  As if running away would help escape my destiny, I thought bitterly. 

Approaching a private looking garden, I collapsed against a tall Oak tree - the only one, I noted -  and soon my tears watered Middle Earth.   I paid no heed of the approaching footsteps, for I was remembering the meeting with the Lord of Rivendell. 

But perhaps I should have, for rounding around the corner was none other than the King of the Mirkwood Forest. 

And in my pathetic state, I was no match for a verbal spar.


I know I screwed up the plot from the movie, since it's chronologically out of order, but it made more sense for this particular story....PLEASE DON'T HATE ME I LOVE YOU ALL.


I hate cliff hangers.  Most people do.  Which kinda makes me a hypocrite because of what you guys just read soooooo.....meh.

Anyways, MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS to y'all:)

I feel so proud of myself for updating, and please don't hate me for my little stunt above lol.

And people, seriously.  As usual,




Chocolate lover,
Signing out

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