Now I can sleep well.


When I woke again, Evan was no longer next to me. I sat up and looked around the room, the smell of bacon hitting my senses.

I got up, and walked though the hall and down the stairs, turning the corner to see Evan flipping bacon in a skillet, still wearing just his boxers like me.

"Good morning!" Evan sing-songed, looking at me with a wide smile across his face, "Sleep well? I know I did."

I chuckled as his cheerful expression never once did falter, "Yeah, I slept pretty good myself."

"That's great." He said, returning his attention back to the stove, "I'm making bacon and eggs. Hope you're hungry!"

"I need foooooood!" I yelled, sitting down at the table as the sound of Evan's laughter filled the room.

"I should've known you were going to say that you, bitch."

I smiled at Evan as his chuckles died down and he placed a plate of bacon, eggs, and a slice of toast in front of me.

"I need syrup." I said as Evan sat down.

"Syrup? For what?"

"My bacon." I said in a 'duh' tone.

Evan looked at me for a minute and laughed, "You like syrup on your bacon but not your pancakes?"

"Uh, yeah?" I chuckled.

"You're just something, aren't you?" Evan said, as he got up to get my syrup and sat down again, sliding it to me.

"Yum." I commented as I slowly poured the syrup across my bacon.

I could see Evan watching me out of the corner of my eye, as the sticky liquid covered my bacon.

"How are you going to eat them now? Your fingers will get all sticky." Evan asked, scrunching up his nose like when I poked it earlier.

"That's the fun part!" I said, grabbing a syrup covered bacon and popping it into my mouth.

Evan tilted his head as he watched me enjoy my bacon. After a moment, his hand shot across the table and dove into my bacon, grabbing and piece and picking it up, making syrup sling across the table before it made it into his mouth.

I laughed as I watched Evan slowly chew the bacon with a look on his face like he was trying to decide if he liked it or not.

"Do you like it?" I smiled.

"Yeah, it's pretty good actually." Evan said with his mouth full, and I couldn't not notice the syrup that was on his chin.

"You have syrup on your chin, Evan." I laughed.

He looked at me and grinned, sticking his tongue out and slowly swiping it across his chin, making me squirm in my seat.

"Y-You got it." I stuttered.

'Tease' I thought to myself.

Evan closed his mouth and smiled, continuing to eat his own breakfast. I cleared my throat and did the same. Finishing up the last of my bacon and putting my now empty plate in the sink.

When I turned around, I almost ran into Evan with his plate held out to me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from him and laid it in the sink for me to wash later.

"I need you to help me with something today." Evan said, as I followed him to the couch.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded.

"Okay." He paused, "You know how Sydney and I got into a fight last night?"

I nodded.

"Well, I want to apologize to her, so I was wondering if you could help me plan something?"

I stared at Evan for a moment, not knowing what to say.

'Yeah, Sure. I'll help you.'

That's all I had to say, but yet, I couldn't bring myself too.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for the wait but here it is finally!

"And as always, I hope ye enjoyed!" -Nogla

Xoxo, Briney <3 (::)

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