Chapter 8

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  Rin's sleep was peaceful. The comforting presence of Amaimon watching over him, making sure he stayed safe, it just made Rin happy. Usually he dreamed of about the reactions his friends would have about his sickness, but whenever he slept with Amaimon the dreams were kept at bay.

  He snuggled deeper into his pillow. Enjoying the fact that he no longer had to attend regular school and that the cram school started later in the day. That, and after the gate incident the Vatican decided he didn't need constant supervision and gave him his own room in the abandoned dorms along with allowing him to join back in the cram school.

  Amaimon began to pet the navy locks of the younger demon. He couldn't resist, Rin just looked so adorable like this. He somehow pulled the sleeping boy even closer than he was before.

  "We should probably get up, but I don't wanna."

  "Okay Rin, we can stay in bed a little longer."

  They stayed cuddled together until Rin absolutely had to get up. He got dressed and was about ready to head to the cram school. Amaimon walked over to him and pulled Rin into what seemed to be a hug. He brought his nose down to the others neck, inhaling deeply. Then he let Rin go.

  "What was that?"

  "You smell nice."

  "Okay... Well I have to leave. Will I see you after the cram school?"


  And with that, Rin left for the cram school. Inserting the key Mephisto had given him –he was surprised he hasn't lost it yet- he twisted it in the lock and entered the school. He walked into the room, surprised at all the shocked stares he received. He sat in his usual seat next to Shiemi, confused by the whole situation.

  "Rin! You're okay!" From Shiemi quickly followed by a " What the hell happened Okumura?!" Shouted from the others.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? And the the hell do you guys mean by something happening to me?!" Sure he still was bruised all over thanks to the anemia and still sore, but it was nothing suspicious. What the hell were they going on about?

  "We saw you being cared by the Earth King. You looked really beat up. Are you sure you're okay?"

  Oh shit! They saw when Amaimon had carried him to Mephisto. How the hell was he supposed to explain that?! Luckily, it was then that the teacher decided to enter the room.

  "What are you doing here Rin. You were switched to that special class by the headmaster. "

  "I was?"

  "Yeah, now scram."

  Rin left the room. Looked like his training with Amaimon was going to be his class now. It was probably so he wouldn't overwork himself. He wasn't complaining about not being able to go to the cram school anymore though. Yeah, he'd miss his friends, but this way he wouldn't have to hide the anemia anymore.

  He quickly made it back to the dorm room. He went up to Yukio's room to see his brother passed out on the bed in there. He must have gotten back while Rin was briefly at the school. Must have been a tough mission.

  He quietly walked back to his room. Halfway back his nose began to drip and his mouth filled with blood. Shit! Full on running now, Rin raced back to his room to take the medicine Mephisto gave him. It worked a lot better than the one the doctor had given him.

  He was met with an upside down Amaimon lying on his bed, reading one of the many manga Rin kept around the room. He quickly ran to the drawer holding the medication, his bloody hands staining the wood in the front. Grabbing it, he took a few. He only had to wait a couple minutes before the bleeding stopped.

  "Are you okay Rin?"

  This was the second time within ten minutes somebody had asked him that. He was beginning to think that he wasn't. Well, he knew he wasn't doing good anymore, fully excepting it.

  "Yeah, I'm good now."

  Amaimon got up and walked over to the kneeling Rin. He bent down and gently picked up the other. Carrying him over to the door and pulling the key to the house Mephisto let him use.

  "Where are you taking me?"

  "The place Mephisto lets me use. It has a bigger bed. That and you're playing with me now, so you should be nearby."

  "Okay. "

  Amaimon proceed through the doorway. He walked into the bedroom and placed Rin on the bed. He curled up next to him, burying his face into the others crook of the neck inhaling deeply.

  "Do I really smell that good?"

  "Yes, you do. Each species of demon has a scent. Royalty in Gehena having their own unique one, while the lesser beings share one special to their species. You happen to have a very appealing scent."

  Rin's tail wagged slightly at this. It made him happy knowing the other like how he smelled. He pulled himself closer to Amaimon, allowing the other to smell him more. He quickly fell asleep.


  They began training the next day. Amaimon took Rin to the training area Mephisto was allowing them to use. It was located deep under the school. It was rather large and very nondescript. It would do.

  Amaimon first took Rin's sword and pulled the blade out of the scabbard unleashing his flames, much like when they first met except this time it was consensual. As soon as his flames were released, it felt like he had never been sick at all. It was a wonderful feeling having his strength back.

  "First I want you to control your flames. Not like how that exorcist girl showed you how. I want you to be able to control them in this form. Make it so that they aren't constantly surrounding you, only out when you want them to be. Not just because the sword was unsheathed."

  It was a little hard at first, but Rin was soon able to control himself while Kurikara was out. Little did he know that this was just the first step in controlling his flames.

  "Now maintain your control while fighting."

  That was all the warning he had before Amaimon attacked. The control he had built up quickly slipping away, the blue flames covering his entire body.


  This continued on for hours with the same success rate. The most he had been able to hold onto his control after Amaimon began his attacks was two minutes.

  "Enough for now. We'll continue with this until you don't even need to think about controlling your flames when your power is unleashed and you can fight against me without using them."

  "Okay. Thanks Amaimon. You're actually a rather good teacher."

  Rin walked over and grabbed Kurikara. When he sheathed the blade, he instantly regretted it. He immediately collapsed. Blood filling his mouth and streaming from both nostrils. He passed out moments later.


The Masks We Hide Behind (Amaimon x Rin)Where stories live. Discover now