Chapter 2

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The words shocked Rin. He had never thought he'd hear those words from the demon who had tried to kill him many times. What the hell were they even supposed to mean?
While Rin was pondering this, he stopped coughing. Blood was still leaking from his nose and gums though.
He decided to be brave and ask Amaimon what he meant. "What the hell do you mean by that?"
Amaimon looked at Rin confused. Then it clicked. Rin didn't know anything about how demons are raised. This had Amaimon seething in anger.
"For more powerful demons, fighting others is a great way to discard our boredom. The fact that you keep living and almost defeated me intrigued me greatly. After watching you for a while, my interest grew like any demon's would. After the gate incident my interest became possessive. You've always had a strange smell, a sickly one. I ignored it whenever we fought, not really thinking anything of it. It became so much stronger after the incident. I began to worry about what it was and realized I cared. You should be happy, it is very rare for a demon to care about another. I followed you when you went to the doctor again and had my suspicions confirmed; you were sick and from your body language it wasn't good. Would you mind telling me what you have?" After he finished this, Amaimon pulled out a sucker and unwrapped it before putting it in his mouth.
Rin sat there in stunned silence. Never would he have thought he would hear the demon say this. Maybe it was the blood he was loosing right now, but he believed what the demon was saying was true. Rin dropped any remaining hostility he had after Amaimon spoke.
"I have idiopathic aplastic anemia." Rin said.
"What's that?" Amaimon asked.
"Somethings wrong with my bone marrow and the doctors don't know what. And because of this problem, not enough blood cells are being produced along with my platelets."
Rin was still bleeding and it was getting damn annoying. He tried standing to get to the clotting medicine he kept for times like this. It didn't cure his disease, but it helped treat and hide his symptoms. As soon as he took the first shaking step to get the medicine, he collapsed.
"Damn anemia, leaving me so weak," Rin grumbled.
Amaimon rushed over to Rin. "What are you trying to do?" Concern evident in his voice as he asked Rin.
"Could you get me my medicine?" Rin blushed heavily, or as much as you could while having a constant stream on blood coming out of your nose and gums.
"Where's it at?"
"The desk drawer over there."
Amaimon quickly padded over to the drawer and pulled out the medicine. He walked back and handed it over to Rin.
"What's it do?" Amaimon asked.
"It helps my blood clot. It'll stop my nose and gums from bleeding for a little bit."
Rin quickly took the medicine. A few minutes later the bleeding had stopped.
"I should probably get cleaned up." This was really embarrassing for Rin, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do this alone so he asked. "Could you possibly, um, help me?" Rin's voice getting quieter as he talks more.
Amaimon didn't seem fazed by the question. "Sure."
He then proceeded to bend down and pick up Rin bridal style. Rin was to weak to say anything about it. He was quickly taken to the bathroom where Amaimon undressed him and helped wash the blood off Rin.
Amaimon wrapped Rin in a towel, which he had learned humans used to dry themselves and cover up after getting wet. He picked Rin up again and was about to head back to Rin's room when he heard something. Rin heard it too, even in his weakened state.
The door to the dorms had slammed open and Rin's exorcist friends could be heard laughing and calling out for Rin.
Both Amaimon and Rin had the same thought, 'Oh shit!'

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