"Oh but I am not ready D."

"Not ready for what Nisha?"

"To face the society,media and everything else, what if I am not good enough, you know me I can be a total mess and I don't want him to be ashamed and embarrassed because of me."

"Oh shut up nothing like that will happen. You will be fine."

"No D don't force me I am not ready yet."

"fine fine, I won't force you. I'll go down and get us something to eat. I am famished."


Nick went down into the kitchen after leaving Nisha in her room. He was angry at her but he couldn't stop his concern about her. She was way to stubborn. He needed to take his mind off the things, so he decided to cook for girls, if he knew his Nisha well ,she would be coming down to hunt the food soon. 

He was nearly dome with the pancakes when he heard the footsteps entering the kitchen, he turned around to find Divya looking at him in amusement. 

"What are you cooking?"

She asked him as she sat on the stool near the counter. 

"I am making pancakes for you girls. Hope its OK."

"How did you know that we would be hungry?"

"I don't know about you but I know Nisha. She must a famished but she is too proud to ask my help."

"That is why you carried her upstairs?"

"precisely, she was wincing while walking yet she was determined to walk on her own so I decided to act on it."

"Did you get a chance to talk to her about tomorrows gala?"

"Yes Nick, I talked to her and she is insecure, she thinks she will be a embarrassment to you. I don't think she is ready Nick. Give her some time."

"And about what happened today I know it is not my place to say this Nick but try to understand her Nick, she is full filling a promise and trust means a lot to her, she won't break somebody else's trust to win yours. She will take the hard way."

"I understand D, do you mind if I go and talk to her for few moments?"

"No no please go ahead."

"Thank you D, thank you for helping me."

"Not a problem."

She grinned at him and Nick decided to have a talk to with Nisha. He walked up to her room and found her sprawled up on bed, she bolted upright as soon as he walked in.

"I brought you some pancakes."

He said nervoulsy while sitting down in front of her.

"Nick I am truly sorry for not telling you all that but i had promised. please forgive me."

"I understand Nisha but you have deeply hurt me."

"I know and I am......."

"How can you say that you will be a embarrassment for me?"


"You said you will be the embarrassment for me if we go out in a public together "

"Oh so D told you."

"Yes she told me, and I am very hurt, why would you think such thing sweetheart?"

"Nick we are from different cultures , I don't know how to address people properly, what if i pick up a wrong cutlery at dinner, what if I say something which would offend someone, what if they think of me as a freak and unworthy of you,what if......"

"Shhh..Shhh....sweetheart,don't stress about it so much, i don't care what will people say. you will never be a embarrassment for me. Never ever think like that.okay?"

She nodded her head in agreement when a evil thought crossed in his mind,

"Now sweetheart you have hurt me , what will you do for my forgiveness."

"Anything Nick, I am truly sorry."

"fine you want my forgiveness then you come with me tomorrow and for now kiss me."


Billionaire's Indian Bride.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora