Chapter 1 - Good food is bribery

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A/N: Nobodies read it so far but I won't lose hope! XD. Chapter 1!!


I sat on my bedroom floor, sobbing. What if I hadn't let go...what if...then she wouldn't be dead. A fresh wave of tears overcame me.

"Honey, do you want to go to the stables?"

"No mom...I'm busy studying!" I lied.

I quickly went into my stunning bathroom, though I didn't really care anymore. When I was twelve I had decided to decorate it. The white washed walls and beautiful light blue curtains made me think of how happy I'd been picking those curtains out with my sister and mom.  My heart ached as I remembered telling Delight all about it. And how she had neighed and then grabbed my jacket and pushed her head into my chest, knocking me onto the ground and how I'd laughed as she'd galloped away, encouraging me to follow.

I quickly wiped my eyes and put on concealer to cover the blue under my eyes, a touch of blush to make my look cheerful, mascara to make my eyelashes longer and lipgloss to make my lips shiny. I check my reflection, try smiling. I almost look happy...then I go into my room. I put my hair into a messy bun and then put on shorts and a t-shirt, pull on my Uggs and then walk downstairs to go eat breakfast.

"Mom what's for brekkie?" I asked

"Eggs and bacon." Said mom.

"Ok can I have some of each and a slice of toast?"

"Sure, you feeling better?"

"Yah mom, my tummy isn't sore anymore!" I lied. I'm not sorry though, I don't want her to think I'm still sad about Delight. She's been gone for six months and I'm thirteen now...Delight and I would have been at Canterwood at the beginning at the year. I missed her. I thought about her every day... I dug into my food.

"Mmmmm" I groaned, "this is delicious mom!"

My mom chuckled, "good Hun, do you know where your brother, sister and father are?"

"Umm...I think that they said they were going shopping..." Dad mentioned getting something for mom so I didn't tell her.

"Oh, ok Honey. Camber will you go and put the kettle on? I feel like a cup of tea."

"Sure mom." I put the kettle on, pack my plate in the dishwasher and go back up stairs as I lie on my bed thinking. My dad arrives home.

"Cam! We'd like you to come down here." Dad used "that" tone.

"Coming!" I yell back, suddenly nervous.

I walk down the stairs. My heart in my throat. Why is everyone here, around the table...

"Honey, we know you still miss Delight..." My heat ached a bit, "but we all agree that....that you must go to Canterwood. You don't have to ride but you can't mope around here forever..." Mom looked me straight in the eye...

"But mom I..." I tried to refuse.

Now dad started. "Cam. You're going to Canterwood. It's not a choice. This July. You ARE going!" My dad stated this firmly. My eyes filled with tears thinking how happy I had been when I was accepted.

"Okay I guess I am..." There was no point in arguing....

I guess I'm going to Canterwood.

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