Chapter Six.

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Sorry it's short. Thanks for all the votes and comments guys :) Appreciated! All the comments and votes keep me smiling like I've just won the lottery :D


Alexis' POV:

"Wake up girls, or you'll be late for school for school." 

"Late?! I can't be late!" The bed sheets were thrown off of me, how can Jazzie's voice be this pitchy in the morning? I groaned and covered my head with a pillow. A soft hand started shaking my arm so I roughly pulled it away and hid it under the bed sheets.

"Why can't you be like your sister and just wake up?" Moms voice said in an irritated voice. Because I am not my sister. I am me.

"Why can't you be like a mime and just shut up?" I growled. Now personally I would consider that disrespectful but after all the lies she's told; does she really deserve respect? Plus it's probably like seven in the morning. I'm not a morning person.

"Jasmine knows that she should wake up when she's told because she's a good girl."

"OK, bye." 

"Watch your tone and if you're late for school, I will take away your motorcycle." Back up everybody, we've got a bad ass in here. Note the sarcasm.

"OK, bye."

She didn't even leave.. Instead she kept blabbing on, 'Jasmine this, Jasmine that' while I just kept repeating 'OK, bye' expecting her to leave. Cue the sad music, she didn't leave. I havn't cried since I was eleven but I seriously wanted to cry a waterfall right now. I just want to sleep! Can't she understand?

"FINE, I'M UP!" I shouted, "Just leave, so I can shower."

I was horizontally laying on the other side of the bed, with one of my socks off. Since I was a kid I have always been one of those people who move a lot in their sleep. When mom saw me sitting up she tutted and left the room. I don't know why she's always moody with me. OK, it's not that hard to figure out but you aren't suppose to pick favourites with your children yet she acts like Mother Teresa with Jazzie but with me it's all Mother Lucifer.

I yawned and scratched my messed up hair while I trudged to the bathroom. 


A hot shower was just what I needed. I went to the closet to check on the uniform. To be honest It wasn't half bad: white collared button-up shirt, blue and black stripy tie, black blazer with a blue stitched logo saying 'Riverbank High,' black knee length pleated skirt, black ballet flats and knee high white socks with little blue bows. When I said half bad I meant I didn't mind the colours. I like blue but the skirt, socks and shoes was something I wouldn't wear. Not even if I was paid. Then again, It could have been worse...

In New York the school I went to was called Colby High, we didn't have uniform for the first three months I was there. But teacher's noticed each clique had its own colour and this 'established gang related behaviour;' because of that we had to murky yellow coloured shirts, brown trousers, brown jumpers and cardigans, and stripy yellow and black clip on ties. We had normal ties but one boy was stupid enough to try strangle a teacher with it. So we had clip on ties like freaking kindergartners! I think his in juvy now though. Lucky shit. That school was fucking annoying. 

I left my gun at the back of my wardrobe, under a pile of clothes, there's no way in hell I would bring it to school. I combed my hair and tied it into a messy bun, changed into the uniform but instead of the skirt I put on light blue jeans and instead of ballet flats I put on my Nike high tops. I couldn't remember how to tie a tie so I simply made the tie into a headband with a side bow.

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