Chapter Two.

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Jazzie's POV:

Going to the diner take long because it was only a twenty minute walk through the park to the other fence but to my dismay Alexis finished her cigarette early and said that we should take a short cut. Me being the naive girl I am followed my twin to the brick wall on the opposite side of the road to the diner. 'Why are we here?' Is what I kept telling myself, the only way to get to the Macy's from here is to go around to the park fence, the way I was heading before Alexis wanted to take her 'shortcut.'


"Okay, since I'm pretty sure you havn't done this before I'll give you a hand boost and you can jump over first." Alexis said shrugging while interlocking her fingers with her palms facing upwards. Does she really expect me to put my foot on her hands just so I can climb over a wall? I felt my face pale. But she could let go?! I could fall! We could both fall! I could go into a coma or even worse, be ARRESTED! Is it legal to jump over walls?

"No, no, no! Not going to happen! Sorry Alexis but if you want to brake your neck go ahead but I don't want to stay to watch!" I slapped my hand over my mouth, my eyes going wide. WHAT DID I JUST SAY! THIS IS BAD, REALLY BAD! ALEXIS IS GOING TO HATE ME! I'M THE WORST SISTER EVER! Now she'll probably join the 'it' crowd and leave me to fend for myself. I'm definitely going to die alone now - no family, no friends.

But what shocked me is that she smiled, and let out a small chuckle. She wasn't angry?

"Wow sis, I've got to admit, I'm impressed. You've got A-TTI-TUDE! Well, you did learn from the best." She said and she took a bow. Weirdo, but I love her (not in that way, you freaky pervs.) I think I'm the only one who gets to see this side of Alexis. To everyone else she's a scary delinquent but to she's my awesome big sis, "but seriously Jazzie, live a little. I wouldn't let you get hurt and even if you did scrape your knee, your a wolf. Super fast healing remember?"

She's right. I can't be a wimp all my life. I want to be more like Alexis. No, I need to be more like her. I breathed out a huge breath; put my foot into Alexis' hands and hauled my self over the wall; closed my eyes and jumped. Surprisingly my feet didn't hit the concrete floor like I had expected, instead I fell into a pair of strong arms. I could the sparks instantly. Logan. I cautiously opened my eyes; only to get lost in his chocolaty eyes. If only he wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss him! I was so lost in his eyes, I didn't notice his some of his 'posse' was behind him. But when Logan noticed, he practically threw me to the ground. I quickly got up and mumbled my apologies.

"I told you, you wouldn't get hurt. I'm not as thick as people might think." Alexis said while brushing off her dark blue denim jean shorts. Alexis could pull anything off she was wearing dark blue denim shorts, a black and white stripy jumper, a small brown side bag, white and blue Nike hightops and a bulls snapback. Me on the other hand was wearing a long, dark purple skirt with beads on the bottom, sandals and a white tee. When she looked up and saw Logan her eyes darkened. Not in lust, but anger. But when she saw my worried face she just grinned.

"Well this is cosy but Jazzie we need to find you something short and sexy for your fine piece of ass date tonight" I had a date? I looked at her confused but she just winked? OHhhh, she wants to make Logan jealous and by the looks of things it working because his eyes darkened, his jaw clenched and his hands were curled into fists. She should really stop. But I cant help but notice how sexy Logan looks when he's jealous "and who knows you might even get laid tonight." She continued, wiggling her eyebrows.

A loud growl escaped Logan's lips but Alexis didn't even flinch. "Remember Jazzie if you want your night to be crazier you got to make it lacier!" Alexis shouted as if Logan wasn't right there. I turned crimson because Logan's friends just looked amused by the whole situation. Only his guy friends were there though, none of the Barbies. Logan was now shaking and was probably about to shift.

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