Chapter I: Crying

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The little blue kit laid alone in his crib, crying his eyes out. He called for his father, who was working in his study.

The father didn't much care for his son, for he blames him for his wife's death. Unfortunately for him, he promised her before she passed that he would take care of their child. The only thing he loved, taken by his only child. Now he just leaves him to cry alone in his room.

The child continued to cry and the father continued to work. That is, until the crying became too much for him. He pounded on his desk as he threw his chair back, standing up. "SHUT UP," he yelled at his child in the next room over. To the farther's dismay, the shouting only made the child cry more and louder.

The father stormed into his son's bedroom to his crib. "What did I say," he coldly said to his child. The young kit continued to cry, reaching up to be held by his father, who, in turn, ignored him.

The father growled in anger and brushed back his fluffy brown bangs with his hand. He asked himself, "What am I going to do with you?"

The older blue hedgehog walked down the hallway into the kitchen then towards the fridge, opening it quickly to grab a bottle. He warmed it in the microwave, hoping his child would fall asleep instead of crying once he drank it.

He took the warm bottle back to his crying child, handing it down to him. Unfortunately, the child would not take the bottle of milk. He just wanted to cry. The elder placed the bottle on a nearby table, knowing he would probably forget about it later.

The father considered his options of what he could do to silence the child. He could kill him, or sedate him, or even put him up for adoption. But, too keep his promise to his wife, he had to keep him his and alive.

As the cruel father he is, he reached inside the crib and wrapped his hands around his son's small neck, putting pressure on the wind pipe just long enough to knock his little boy out. He didn't want to harm him, so he made sure his timing was perfect for the infant.

Once the child was unconscious, the father smiled at the silence then returned to his office to continue his work. It's difficult for this man of high power to remain in charge and deal with a child at the same time, so he made things work his own way.

It has only been a few months of this torment to this broken family. The father still wishes his wife was still right beside him, encouraging him to continue his work, and, of course, treating their child properly. This blue hedgehog had no idea how to be a father, much less a widower father. He just wanted to mourn alone at this point.

The father pushed his papers to the side of his desk and laid his head down, burying his face in his arms as he lets himself cry. He hated how he was alone, and even more so for his child's sake.

He couldn't deal with this -- all of this -- right now. He allowed himself to cry until nightfall. He fell asleep at his desk and was to stay there until morning, his son still unconscious from earlier in the other room.

Harming the ones you love might hurt you more.

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