The final Battle

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WOw let's just say the last two weeks have been very dramatic, I can tell you that. Since I was released from hospital, Nathan has been ruuning round like a headless chicken and making sure I was alright. He has had to have a talk with his parents since he found out Louis was his brother as his dad didn't want him to be sent down. Nathan, was having non of it. What do they expect when Louis nearly killed me, scared him half to death and nearly got us both killed. 

Well today was judgement day. Looking round I could clearly see the wood built into the walls and people in suits. Today was the day Louis could get sent down. I can't wait until I get to see that face behind bars but I had to put up with stupid questions first. Even better. We were called into the court room as everyone filled into the room. Nathan wrapped his hand rond mine as we took our seats in the room. There was no way I was going to miss any of this. As soon as we sat we had to stand again for the judge who walzed in like he was in a ball room. All of this power he held I hope he would put to good use as in get Louis in jail and out of my life. 

As we sat down me and Nathan got the pleasure of watching Louis be dragged out in hand-cuffs and oh boy it felt good. As Louis caught a glimse of me and Nathan he mouthed "I'm sorry" huh it's a little too late. Once everyone was sat down the battle started. I saw it as a warzone and this was the final leg, the battle to see who the victor was. The first one who was questioned was me. 

I walked up to the stand, did the hand on the bible thing and then the questions started. 

"Becca, can you please tell us what happened the night in question when you caught the defendent cheating on you?" I thought for a moment as the memory came back. Louis hung his head in shame as the memory became clear in my mind. 

"I came home that night from work to see Louis and this girl having sex on the sofa. I didn't know what to do. I ran straight upstairs and started packing my bags. I wasn't going to say with a cheater. He started telling me he was sorry and it was a mistake but I didn't think it was. As I finished packing Louis blocked the door. I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist and shoved me into a door handle. I managed to push him off me but he kept hold on my wrist. I mamaged to get him off me and took of to the door."

"Right, where did you go Becca? Did you show the injuries to anyone?" 

"I went to Nathan's flat because I knew I wold be safe there with him and he is my closest friend. As he hugged me when I arrived he touched the spot where Louis had shoved me into a door handle. I showed Nathan and he wrapped my wrist up and put some cream on my back to help it."

"Okay, can you remember what happened the night the defendent took you.?"

"I was sat on the sofa with Nathan and he sent me a text. I can't remember now what it says..."

"It's okay we have it, just carry on" 

"Well I showed it to Nathan and he turned my phone off to stop him from getting in my head. Nathan asked me to lift off him as he stood up and headed to the door. I followed behind him as he ran outside the block of flats. He said to me that he had had enough of me having to live in fear of Louis. He shouted out saying how it was over between me and him and that he should leave me alone and get over it. We went back up to the flat and ordered a take away but when the door bel went it was louis stood at the door with a gun in his hand. I screamed as he threw me over his shoulder and took me to his van where he threw me in and locked me in. I heard Nathan screaming from outside and then heard a bang before he got in the van and started driving off. He stopped and tied me up with a blind fold and a gagg before driving off again."

 "Okay can you tell the court what happened after?" 

"I woke up in this bacement of a house. I was restrained to a chair with Louis looking at me with a evil grin on his face. He went out of the room and then came back, he pulled off my gag as I tried screaming. He slapped me on the face and told me to open my mouth, he put another gag on me and as I rolled my eyes when he told me this was the only way to show me he loves me, he broke my finger. He walked out of the room and locked me in. He came back with gasoline as he poured it everywhere and even around me. Then he lit a match and dropped it." 

"Okay thank you. No more questions your honour" 

I walked back with tears starting to roll down my eyes. Then they called Nathan out to start questioning him. 

"Okay Nathan, what happened the night Becca turned up to your door after the break up from the defendent?"

"I was in my flat when the phone went for the door. I placed it to my ear to hear Becca with the sound of pain in her voice. I let her in and helped her with her bags as she ran to my chest wanting a hug. I was going to wrap my arms round her but she flinched in pain. I asked her what had happened and she showed me her injuries. I took her up to the bathroom to get a bandage for her wrist and some cream for her back. Becca was happy enough to just be away from him."

"Okay, what happened the night the defendent took Becca, we know her story but we would like to hear what happened to you?"

"Well Louis started to punch me and I hit my head on the floor. When he left I managed to get up and call the police. When they came I told them what happened and then they left. I tried calling Becca but I didn't get any responce but I finally got through but Louis answered. We said words and he said that if I went after Becca then I was dead."

"Okay but you didn't listen did you? It was you that saved her. From the report of the fire and the police report of the fire it needs to be made clear that from the forensic evidence Louis finger prints were on the bottle of gasoline so it's clear that it was Louis who started the fire. Nathan you may sit down." 

The day went on to Louis giving his statement and more evidence being given. I hated having to re-live all of this in my head. Nathan kept his hand in mine as it was becoming more and more difficult. The jury left to make their decision as me and Nathan went out for some air. 

"Becca, are you okay?" 

"Yeah I'm fine Nathan, I just want all of this to be over with so we can get back to normal" He just flashed a smile at me as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small velvet box and as he opened it he got down on one knee, "Becca, these past few weeks have been tough but it has made me realise that I can't be with out you. Each hour that went by was the worse moment of my life but now I have you with me again I can't afford to loose you. Becca will you marry me?" 

I was stood shocked at that point "Yes Nathan I will marry you." was the only thing I could get out of  my mouth. He picked me up and spun me round while kissing me on the cheek, my lips before being called back in for the final verdict. He placed the ring on my finger as we walked back inside the court room. We had to rise again for the judge and as he walked in we all took our seats. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury have you reached a decision?" The head person or what ever he's called stood up and replied "We have Sir". Nathan instantly grabbed my hand and held it tighter. "How do you find the defendent guilty or not guilty to the following charges, 

Posession of a gun


Attepted murder 

and assault" 

I instantly took a breath, I was shaking like crazy. "Guilty." The sigh of relief that came from my mouth certinly made me feel so much better. As the final things were said it was time to go home. The place where I could finally feel safe and happy and know I would never have to see Louis face in my nightmares again. 

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