Stunned (Nathan's P.O.V.)

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I sat there looking at Becca, stunned. How could that POS be my BROTHER? And he hurt one of the most important women in my life! I just couldn't believe it!

"Nathan, are you alright?" Becca asked me, pulling me out of my trance. I nod to her and say "Yeah. I'm ok. I'm just trying to figure out how I feel right now." She took my hand and squeezed it, reassuring me. "That's completely understandable, babe."  

I smiled down at her, glad to have her in my life. I was so confused about how I felt at that moment, that I couldn't put into words. I was infuriated and confused, not only at him but at my parents, too. How could they not tell me that I had a brother?

While I was deeply engaged in my thoughts, Becca had turned on the TV. The station was a local news station that was running a story about Louis. They flashed a picture of him on screen, saying he was wanted. Before she changed the channel, I gazed at the TV, studying Louis's facial features.

"He does kind of look like me", I thought to myself. But I was amazed at how much he looked like my father. He had some explaining to do. I excused myself to call him.

"Hello?" a voice that sounded like my father answered the phone. "Dad, you have some explaining to do!" I said to him, not even bothering to say hello. "Nathan? What are you talking about?" he said. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I HAD A BROTHER??" I practically screamed into the phone. There was silence on the other end. "Dad?" "I'm here. How did you find out?" he asked. "Becca was kidnapped and tortured by him. The police found some DNA on the scene and discovered he was my brother. How did this happen?" I asked, glad we weren't face to face. Again, silence. "Dad, I need to know. It might prevent me from killing him!" 

I heard him sigh before telling me his story. "It was about 20 years ago. I had cheated on your mother with a close friend. It was only meant to be a one night stand until she told me she was pregnant. She didn't want the baby, but she didn't want to abort either. Your mother found out and was REALLY upset. She didn't want me to keep another woman's baby that I created while cheating on her. So I filed the adoption papers and he was adopted really quickly. I'm sorry, Nathan. I should have told you." he told me. I was on another level of shock. Dad cheated on Mum? This was too much to handle. I hung up and stormed into Becca's hospital room. 

"What's wrong, babe?" She asked. "I found out that Dad cheated on Mum with a close friend and Louis was the product. He was adopted, so they never told me." She sat there in her bed, her jaw hanging open. "Babe, I don't know what to say!" She said. I shook my head, indicating she didn't have to say anything. I just sat next to her, unable to say anything.

Fire TrapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora