Chapter ❷ Hole In My Heart

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Ichi appeared absent when you came back to the Matsuno residence.

"I-Is Ichimatsu-kun around . .?" You barely managed the inquiry to the second eldest, Karamatsu.

"Doesn't look like it. What is it (Name)-chan~? Are you lovesick?" He leaned closer to you until the bridge of your noses touched.

"N-No! I was just wondering where he was!" You snapped, moving to keep distance between you both.

"Well, if you're ever around for any affection, you know where to find me.~" He replied just as you stood up.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks anyways." You said uncomfortably, exiting the room.

You opened the door to get some air. Ichimatsu's absence and Karamatsu's advice didn't seem to make your day any better. You thought about how many times Ichimatsu displayed any sort of affection toward you. Thoughts began spinning around in your head.

'Maybe he doesn't care at all. What does he need me around for then?' You thought bitterly.

You couldn't help that you sounded just like him. Chuckling at this, you wondered if that's how much opposites attract.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar cat that you often saw with Ichimatsu. Growing excited, you followed it to see if it would lead you to him. The feline led you to the mouth of an alleyway. It seemed dark and creepy, so you hesitated going in at first.

Your want of seeing Ichimatsu won over your instincts as you finally decided on continuing. Sure enough, there sat Ichi with his back to you. He was surrounded by about six different cats that you never saw before.

"I-Ichi-kun, what are you doing by yourself?" You hesitantly asked.

Ichimatsu's eyes flickered from the cement ground to face you. He didn't seem at all pleased for you to find him here.

"Might I ask the same, (Name)? Why are you here?" He asked coldly.

"Isn't it a bit obvious? To see you of course!" You shot back.

"You shouldn't be around here. The fact that you bothered to hang around trash .  . ." He laughed ingenuinely.

"Don't call yourself that, I'm your friend Ichi-kun." You replied anxiously.

"Friend? Since when did I need that to live?" He turned away.

You felt your fists ball up and your body started to shake.

"You don't care about me at all! How can you be happy living like this?"
Your voice shook, tears streaming down your face.

You cried unwillingly, angry and hurt, but mostly at yourself for saying that to him. You wanted to run right out of the alley and go home, but your legs felt like bricks.

Ichimatsu went still, hearing your quiet sobs. He maintained his stoic expression, trying not to become emotional as well. He turned to you, keeping his eyes low to the ground.

Before you knew it, your face planted into his purple hoodie once again. His arms rested on your waist, trying to relax you. You swayed a little, embracing him tightly.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you (Name). I never want to see you cry like that again." He whispered into your ear.

His grasp grew tighter as he planted a sloppy kiss on your forehead. You sniffled a bit before Ichimatsu pulled away to look at you.

"Look at you, you snotty baby. . Tch, wipe your face." He teased you, smiling a little.

"I-I'm not a baby!" You whined audibly, wiping your face on your sleeve.

"Whatever . .~ Let's go home now." He started to shuffle past you.

Before you could stop yourself, you took ahold of his hand. It felt warm, you guessed he had his hands in his hoodie pockets for a while. Ichimatsu didn't react to this of course, and continued to walk ahead.

Out of the corner of your eye, you looked up to see a smile looped on his face.

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