Author's Note

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Hello~ I'm melity1991. Many of you may not know me (everyone wont know me actually) because I don't write books in english, only korean (and cuz ur not like a famous person u dumbo!!). Anyways hehe

Let me introduce myself. First off.. I'm Korean, as many of you might have already guessed. And I'm currently 19 (in 2018) (yr 1999) and I'm a girl if you didn't know

And just incase you guys are curious.. yes that is my feet and yes, i took the picture for my cover. Its in Korea :P

Sooooo why am I writing this??
I've learned while writing my books that a lot of wattpaders (?) really want to learn Korean. And I'm proud of all those foreigners out there that are learning by themselves! But I kind of feel bad and sad when I see people using wrong Korean and no one out there correcting them!! So! I thought of making my own book about learning Korean :)

Main reason is because a lot of wattpads' learning korean books has a lot of mistakes (not saying i wont) but like.. i feel bad correcting them.. so yah......

Anyways. Have fun learning!!

And again. Plz comment things u r confused of.. things u want me to tell. Anything.. and plz comment in English or Korean ONLY. If you write in Korean.. I will reply and fix ur korean (if wrong) at the same time. So I highly recommend you to try to comment in korean. Because it will help you learn korean faster ^-^


Ps: Plz do NOT dm me. I don't use wattpad anymore

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