I met Kurama Shinjirou..?

The door slammed open in the darkness, a flame flickering through the room. We stood up cautiously as one of the guards made their way towards us. The sword with a dark aura in his hand made me feel slightly uneasy, knowing that if we get hurt we wouldn't heal as easily thanks to the yokai repelling power the weapon had.

"Finally caught you damn fox demons," the fish looking guard cursed, "Suits you right, after what you did to our Dragon King!"

I growled and threw my hands up in frustration, "Like I said before! How the hell do I have anything to do with this?"

"You are his sister, his blood! You have everything do to with him!" he glared heatedly.

Seething with fury, I argued back, growing angrier by the second, "It's not my fault! Burn him, torture him, I don't care! Punish him but not me! I didn't do anything to upset your oh-so-loving King!"

"Thanks for your kindness, sister dearest," Tomoe said sarcastically. I threw him a mocking smile, which just made him scoff.

"Shut up, prisoner!" the guard yelled.

Finally having enough of his blabbering, a blue flame ignited in my hand before I threw it at him, burning him into ashes. He didn't even have time to scream as I killed him. Eh, whatever, he was getting on my nerves.

Not even a second later, an alarm was set off as guards started to surround us, screaming of how we had just killed their precious comrade. I sighed in annoyance, not wanting to have to deal with these fish weirdos.

"Nice going, Kasumi. Thanks to your unsettling temper, you alerted the whole palace," Tomoe glowered, looking annoyed as he saw the number of guards increasing.



Twenty fishes dead, threw oysters annihilated and five sea slugs destroyed later, Tomoe and I were starting to grow weary of how many creatures we had to fight to escape. I dodged a flying sword and took out two guards by smashing their heads together.

"Tomoe, this is getting boring," I whined childishly as I threw a fox fire towards a now dead someone, "Can you stop messing around so we can escape?"

My brother was having way too much fun for his own good. He looked like he was having a blast as he literally blasted the guards away.

He glanced towards me and smirked, "Five more minutes, I promise!"

I huffed in annoyance, not liking his childish behavior. He acted like this was merely a game to him. My brother was always the sadistic yokai I have to admit but sometimes he takes things too far... especially when it comes to humans.

The door swung open revealing the one and only Dragon King. The last guard standing was killed in front of his eyes (or one eye since my sibling had taken the other) as Tomoe lit him up on fire, burning him into nothing.

"It's been a while, Dragon King," Tomoe said with a taunting smile.

The so called king replied back briskly, "Indeed it has."

I smirked and held my fan over my face, the only thing visible was my piercing eyes.

"I am Kasumi, this idiot's sister but I presume you already knew that."

"Who the hell are you calling an idiot?!"

He diverted his attention to me, "Yes, you are the famous fox demon that had taken out villages effortlessly after you had your heart broken. Am I correct?"

I froze at the mention of my horrible actions. I guess I had tried to forget about that but it always comes back to bite me in the ass. Looking down, my bangs concealing my eyes that were on the verge of tears, I clenched by fist angrily. The mockery laced into his voice just made me seethe with pure hatred. How dare he act like he knows me? Who does he think he is!

Snapping my head towards him, my eyes were slitted like a demon as I snarled at him. He flinched away but stood his ground. Trying to act tough in front of a two powerful fox yokais? Big mistake.

"Mind your own damn business!"

I lunged towards him, claws extended.

"No, Kasumi! Watch out!" I heard Tomoe shout.

I hadn't noticed the weapon the Dragon King had hidden in his cloak but when I did, it was too late. He had revealed the sword and held it in front of him before I could react.


Unbearable pain spread throughout my body. The sword must have had yokai repelling magic. My shocked eyes looked down towards my stomach, only to see a long blade had pierced right through my skin. Blood had splattered everywhere. A choked scream left my lips as the Dragon King yanked his sword back painfully making me collapse to the ground.

"Kasumi!" Tomoe panicked.

"Now for the final blow," the Dragon King raised his sword, ready to thrust it towards me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Tomoe running towards me hastily. You won't make it in time, idiot.

The sword was thrown towards me. My eyes flew shut as I awaited the fatal blow. Nothing happened.

A pained grunt was heard as well as the sickening sound of flesh tearing apart. My eyes flew open, recognizing that voice immediately. Why is he here?

Midnight black tengu wings were wrapped protectively around me as a familiar face looked down at me in relief. A shocked gasp escaped my lips as I stared at his breath taking grey eyes. The sword had pierced him instead of me. How did he get here? I watched in horror as he fell onto my lap unconscious, engraved with a deadly wound. No way... this cannot be happening.


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