Harry Potter Dicovered Facebook

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Ron Weasley status update- I'm going on a bear hunt!

Harry Potter- No Ron we discussed this its not bear hunting season yet!

Hermione- Ron you know I don't approve of hunting bears, it's not humane

Ron Weasley- But that's what I enjoy doing and I don't actually kill them, I do sometimes injure them for a little bit!

Bears- Yeah stop hurting us

Voldemort- I don't mind hunting bears

Hermione- Voldemort go away no body likes you!


Ron- Get him with pitchforks and stuff!

Voldemort- And they said bear hunting was bad!!

Ginny- Now guys keep the fighting to a minimum, some of us want to sleep and the tapping from your computers is giving me a headache!

Hermione- Well now you are doing it as well!

Voldemort- Does anyone want a cookie!

Ron- yes YES YES !!

Harry- No Ron he has probably poisoned it

Ginny- Just stop all this nonsense and make a private group conversation

Hermione- That's not a bad idea

Ron- Nah I can't be bothered

Harry- Ron you lazy bastard no wonder you can't keep the ladies, like me

Ron- Oi piss off, I noticed you and Cho don't go out anymore

- Hermione has left this conversation

- Ginny has left this conversation

- Voldemort had left this conversation

Harry- Yeah we don't I go out with Ginny!

Harry- Just remember you can't kill me I am the Boy Who Lived


-Ron Wealsey has logged off

-Harry Potter has logged off

-Purple Rainbow Unicorn- Muahahah It's Voldemort I made another profile so that people would actually talk to me, seriously anyone there!

-Nope Lolp

Purple Rainbow Unicorn has logged off


Here for you all is another lovely update and you all deserved it, you will deserve it more if you all make sure to comment, vote and before any of that READ THIS SRORY!

I have my ways that I can make Voldemort find you and hunt you down! Maybe I do maybe I don't!

Btw it's Maddie, Maddles, Wifey and Mrs Tomlinson

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