"Yes, I will never leave Ai-kun!"
I gladly answered his question.

Ai-kun's smile returned after hearing my answer.
I have finally made up my mind, even if I start
to take a path in the road of music, I will still
be by his side and I will never leave him.
Despite knowing he is a robot, I know he is
even more of a human than anyone else.
And that's all the more reason I need
to stay with him.

A few days later...

Tomorrow is New Year's Day.
Quartet Night has been rehearsing a lot lately,
But they've improved so much better.
I'm sure everything will be okay tomorrow.

Everyone was practicing at Reiji-kun's place.
And I always accompany Ai-kun so I get to
watch their improvements everyday.

Right now, they're practicing at Reiji-kun's place..

"OIII! Stop being so cute and lovey-dovey! >:@"
Ranmaru-kun said loudly because Reiji-kun was
singing so lovely and cute.

"Eh, what's the matter, Ran-ran??! I thought we
 all agreed in this, right? right, Ai-Ai!??"
Reiji-kun faced Ai-kun as he kept bothering him to answer XD

"You guys -___-''"
Camus-kun suddenly spoke up as well.

Ai-kun was quiet and he was just watching his friends argue.
Even though Ai-kun was always quiet, today seemed different.
He was quiet in an unusual way.

"Ai-kun, are you alright?"
I asked him.

He looked at me and smiled.
I felt the presence of happiness.

"It looks like they're having fun."
Ai-kun said.

"I-Is that so..? And.. you're having fun watching them?"
I asked him again.

"I think so. Though I am not sure, I hope I do feel that way."
He answered. "I may not have feelings but I believe I have
my own thinking. And I think I'm having fun. Being with
your friends is fun they say, that's why.. I'm having fun.
Because I'm with my friends."
Ai-kun added.

I stopped for a second, the moment I heard those words.
Ai-kun is so gentle and honest. I felt happy when I knew
that he was having "fun" and that he still hasn't lost hope.

Reiji-kun and the others heard those words..
They heard how Ai-kun said that they were his friends.
It caused them to fall silent and stop playfully fighting.

It made them smile.
Ai-kun's 'happiness'
is also our happiness.

After that short warm happy moment,
they continued to rehearse for the last time today.
And when they were done for the day,
everyone got ready to go home and
rest for tomorrow's performance.

Before we could leave, Reiji-kun called out to us,
raised his hand and gave us an "OK" pose.
Ai-kun nodded and waved goodbye as we left for home.

the next day....

New Year's Day.
Today is also their performance day.


First concert, their debut is today.

It's still morning, Ai-kun woke up early.
Their concert will be held tonight, around 6 PM.

What Is Love? [UtaPri: Ai Mikaze Fan Fict]Where stories live. Discover now