Chapter 9 Extreme Embarrassment

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I woke up with a pounding head. Remembering the night before, I groaned. What had I done? I hadn't realised that drink had alcohol in it. How bloody stupid I had been. More importantly, who was the guy who had tried to kill me?

I'd never been an early morning person and in the light of a hangover I pulled my pillow over my head and turned to get some sleep. Investigating would just have to wait.

I was awoken by a loud knock on the door.

"Uuuuuhgggggggg come in." I was still half asleep as Kiki entered. She pulled back the curtains harshly and I groaned as light filtered into my eyes.

" wakey, wakey" she chirped. I gave yet another groan.

"Could you maybe try whispering?"

"No NOT REALLY" Kiki shouted and I winced in displeasure.

" jeez, what did I ever do to you?"

"Oh let me see. Got completely pissed off your head and made a complete mockery of the annual wintertide ball!"

"Made a complete mockery!" I mimicked, "You really need to take a chill pill. I lightened things up, that's all."

"The Queen is NOT pleased. "

I made a face and rolled my eyes.

Kiki curled up her lip, "get dressed and be at the throne room in ten. Her Highness wants to speak to you."

She stormed out, slamming the door which jolted my already tender senses. "Ow," I winced, " ow, ow ow, I am never drinking again. "

I got dressed in a daze and started to head up to the throne room, when I bumped into Aaron.

" hey," he said, " sorry I ditched you so suddenly last night, I had some... Stuff to do.

" No that's fine, that's totally fine," I said, relieved and trying to act like I wasn't hung over.

" yeah, so I was thinking, well more wondering actually... You know, if you... That is you and I, together. I mean..."

"Aaron." I said sharply, " cut to the point."

" Oh yeah, right, so do you wanna, um, grab a coffee. That is if you like coffee, I mean if you don't it's fine or if you don't wanna go..."

I shut him up by pressing a finger softly against his lips. " shhhhh, I'd love to." 

Lies of course. All lies. As if I wanted to go out with him, but oh well. I suppose that's life, besides I might be able to weasel out some info.

" Great!" He said, " that's great. So um, is two o clock good for you?"

" yeah sure."

" ok, we'll meet at the front door. I guess, I'll um, see you then. Uuuuh.... Bye."

" cya," I said miserably as he walked away, unable to stop a smile spreading across his face.

I walked to the throne room slowly as a dead man walks to scaffold. I felt condemned.

The queen was lounging on her throne as usual and half frowning. Her eyes glinted like diamonds. Fun fact, diamonds are the sharpest and strongest thing on Earth and I seriously had the feeling that I was about to get cut.

" what the hell where you thinking?" She hissed.

" How was i to know the drink had alcohol in it?"

" there was a sign!"

" oh, really... Uh well then, cos uh I didn't see a sign."

Pssshh - who reads signs?

I decided not to mention the attacker or Aaron and stick with justifying myself.

" the party needed a bit of spirit anyway."

" That was not a party. That was the most important social event of the year with the most important, richest and influential sorcerers on the planet and you... YOU"

I cut her off. " hey, calm down lady, I never asked to be kidnapped. Why should I give a dam about your social calendar?"

The Queen was starting to turn an interesting shade of plum.

" deep breaths, your majesty," advised Kiki, " deep breaths. "

The Queen closed her eyes and regained some of her icy composure. " I think, " she said, " it is time to tell you why you are here."

" ooooh yay, I'm all ears."

" your brother is a sorcerer."

My heart literally stopped.

The world seemed to shatter around me and my vision tunnelled. The throne room seemed far away. My breath left my body and I felt as if I'd been punched in the stomach. I was conscious of my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

A sorcerer, no it couldn't be. Socerers and buzzers did NOT mix. End of. They'd take him. They'd take my brother away from me. My poor desperate brother, longing to learn magic would leave me behind and I'd lose the one person I could always count on.

I cleared my throat, "Does... Does he know."

" No."

I could breathe again.

" but,"

Why is there always a but?

" we can tell him if you don't do exactly what we want. Also,if you don't do what we want there is a high chance that he will die."

" WHAT?"

" there are a group of bandits who have been taking down all our defences. Killing our officers. They are intent on finding the mirror maze and destroying the Myrra. If they succeed all the magic will be sucked out of all sorcerers and sorcerers without our medical assistance will most likely die from the withdrawal."

"Unless.." I prompted.

" unless you agree to be part of a team of operatives who can help us take down these rebels. You are a buzzer, so are some of them. We don't understand buzzers. You, Iris, would be our secret weapon."

" And if I don't want to help?"

" well, the Myrra could be destroyed and we would not give your brother treatment, so he would die or alternatively we might stop the Myrra being destroyed on our own, but well, someday your brother will find out who he is and he will join us. If you help us, we can give you a fake sorcerer ID so you could visit your brother. Otherwise... Well you're a buzzer aren't you? And buzzers most definitely aren't welcome here." She gave a dry laugh. " you would lose your brother forever."

I gritted my teeth. " Fine. I'll help you. "

It looked like my hands were tied.



Hey guys! 😃 I know I haven't updated for ages 😫. Everything has been so busy with exams and school, but now we've broken up for the holidays I hope to be able to update weekly once more . Usually I update on Saturday mornings or Friday afternoons so watch out for then. I hope to make the next chapter a bit longer.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Appollinia 🍀 xoxo

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