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Hey guys! 

First of all, thanks for reading another one of my phanfics. (Why do you keep coming back I have no idea tbh I'm trash but thanks). This is a phan fanfiction based on the anime Sword Art Online. Whether you like anime or not, this fanfic is going to be very gay and very fluffy and very sexy so you will probably want to stick around. I won't have an official updating schedule until the end of January, but I'm going to update as often as possible until then and I'll keep you posted.

A few housekeeping things before we move on with the story:

1. You may have noticed that I published two chapters of a fic inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer and then privated it. It isn't gone forever so don't worry if you liked it, I just decided I didn't like the plot I originally had in mind so I'm going to take some time to think about what I want to do with it before I continue that. For now, I hope you enjoy this one! :D

2. I don't remember what #2 was gonna be.

3. This is based off of an anime called Sword Art Online, I don't own any of the characters blah blah blah don't sue me I also don't own Dan or Phil or anyone else this is just for fun blah blah blah I trust all of you.

4. This has nothing to do with anything, but I ordered the Dan and Phil hair sweatshirt but since I have boobs it just looks like my boobs have hair nice

5. $wag

I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoy writing it. Remember to send me one shot prompts that I will never write probably bc I'm trash over at and  subscribe to lolzor #selfpromo also my inbox is always open if you need to chat. Ily guys. See you SOON.


...gossip girl

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