Going Back

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*One week later*

*Hayes POV*

Okay, last week was fun with Ash, but now, it's time to go back to school. Ash went back on Monday, but I'm just going back today, on a Wednesday. Doc said i needed a few more days to rest myself. I got ready and threw on some clothes. I wore a navy blue shirt, some khaki shorts, white and black nike socks, and some red vans. I grabbed my phone off my bed side table, grabbed my backpack, and ran out the house and headed towards school. As soon as I got there, the first thing I did was search for Ashley. But I couldn't find her. So I headed to her locker instead. I saw her from my distance and thought I would scare her. I quietly sneaked up behind her and in 5, 4, 3, 1... "ASHLEY!" I screamed.

"AHHH!" Ash screamed and dropped her books. "Oh my. gosh Hayes why would you!" she whined.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You should've seen your face! You were like 'AHHH'" I laughed at her.

"Not funny Hayes. I could've seriously punched you or something then you would have been even more injured than you already are!" and after that, Ash kept yelling at me and telling how that wasn't nice and how I could've gotten hurt and yadyadyada blahblahblah.

"Okay MOM I think I get it now, I'm sorry blahblahblah." I said.

"It's okay my child." she said sarcastically and laughed. I joined her and we went on to first period.

*Skip to lunch already*

I walked into the cafeteria alone since me and Ash don't have the same ending period before lunch. I searched for Ash and finally found her sitting at our usual table with my friends and her friends all together. I waved to her to signal that i was here and she waved back and put her stuff in my spot to save it. I got in line for lunch and finally finished. As I walked towards the lunch table, I saw something I never thought I would see. My own best friend, kissing MY girlfriend. Anger filled my body, my blood boiling at the sight of...THAT. I paced towards the table and slammed my tray on the table causing my mash potatoes to fly a little. I was beyond furious. I was so heated, i felt as if my boiling blood was going to burst.

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