"It's complicated." I scoffed. "You shouldn't be around him, he's not... a good person." He responded. I nodded. There was obviously a hidden meaning to that, but I didn't press on it. Jess said the same thing. He's the second person to warn me about Drake. He didn't say anything else after that so I began drawing again. I didn't want to dwell onto the fact that he's the second person today insinuating how stupid I was for going out with Drake.

I looked up at the clock and blew out a breath of relief that Drake hasn't come over. He seemed to be busy with the girls in this class. I shuddered.

Just 10 more minutes left 'til the bell rings. I continued working on my project when hot mystery guy got up to talk to the teacher. I let out a breath disappointed. Out of nowhere a pen tapped my sketchbook. I looked up smiling, expecting it to be the hot mystery guy, but instead it was Drake. My heart automatically sank and goosebumps started rising.

"Hey new girl." He said with a dark smirk on his face. I don't know how I didn't see that he had 'danger' written all over him yesterday. My eyes started to glaze, but I blinked them away.

"What do you want?" I glared trying to cover up my fear and sound confident. My wrists are bruised up from yesterday and my back muscles hurt from the slamming he gave me. I'm sure there was a bruise forming on my knee as well. Emotionally, he wrecked me. I winced at the reminder, feeling disgusted.

Drake rolled his eyes. "I wanted to give you a ride home yesterday, but you left me." Drake replied when the hot mystery guy showed up standing next to me to block my view from Drake. I unconsciously leaned closer to him, knowing he'd protect me. Drake smirked at him. "So Chris, what do you think about our new girl? I know you already called dibs, but we can share her right?"

I automatically gripped Chris' sweater on the back. Share? I shuddered wanting to throw up. Flashes of last night came back. His hands roaming my body.

"Leave." Chris gritted through his teeth interrupting my thoughts. He looked like he was about to hit Drake again. Drake chuckled and looked at me.

"For now." He said before walking away. I let out a breath, terrified. What's that supposed to mean?

"Hey." Chris called for my attention. I looked up at him and let go of the grip I had on him. He sat down next to me sighing and writing down something on his paper. "I'm giving you my number. If you ever need me call me. I won't hesitate to get there." He handed me his number. I rolled my eyes, tears wanting to come out. He reached out as if to wipe my tears, but then he pulled back. That hurt more.

"Nice. So you only talk to me out of pity. Thanks." I said snatching the number from his hand.

"No I don't feel pity-" Just on cue the bell rings. I collected my things and left not bothering to hear him come up with an excuse. I took a small glimpse back to see if Drake was following me, but he wasn't. My tensed muscles eased.

I went to the library to check out a calculator for my math class. The whole time my brain kept replaying that scene. Just now remembering that Drake said Chris called dibs on me. My heart skipped a beat in a good way. I scoffed. Yeah right. Drake just said that to play around with me. I shook my head. Chris is affecting me way too much. I need to stay away from both of them. I gasped. Chris! That's his name. I smiled giddily, loving the name. I shook my head. I should not be thinking about him.

Why the hell won't Drake just leave me alone? I haven't done anything to him. A tear rolled down and I quickly wiped it off.

I was on my way to my car when I spotted Chris with another girl leaning on his car. You could tell she was flirting with him by the way she was flipping her hair and sticking out her chest. She was wearing thin layers. Is she my cold?

My heart fell at the sight. Is he dating her? It looks as if he's arguing with her, but I can't tell... I then felt something inside me bubble - anger? I looked away, why should I care? And why am I getting upset? I should not be upset. Or was this jealousy? I shook my head. I just met him and I'm growing feelings for him!? It can't be, it's probably because he saved me yesterday and I grew an attachment to him. Yup that's it. A voice inside my head was telling me that's not true, that I was interested in him ever since he gave me my schedule, but I ignored it.

I got in my car and headed home, not being able to get the hot mystery guy - Chris, out of my head. His smile, his plump lips, his intoxicating woodsy smell, his eyes, his voice, his body...

It's just an attachment.


Picture of Chris on the side --->


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