Being Drunk Helps

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"Come on dude. Let's get out of here."

"Nah. You go on ahead. I'll catch up later."

"Jordan, the place is getting busy. I know you're upset, but you shouldn't be drinking like it's going out of style."

"Dan, I'm a grown man..meaning I'll do what I want." I down another shot of vodka and look back at Dan. He shakes his head at me and I shrug my shoulders then begin to hiccup.

"Fine, I'm going home. Catch a cab or walk." I try to watch him walk away, but the number of the people coming into the bar was messier. I sigh and look at the bartender. "Can I get another shot and leave the bottle."

He pour my glass and leaves me the bottle. I smile and I take the shot.

Today was the day our divorce papers were finalized. Monica had been sleeping around and I finally decided to put my foot down. I gave her papers and she showed her true colors. She signed them in less than an hour. She wanted me out of her life more than I wanted her apparently, but wasn't tough enough to take the first step. Now here I am. Drunk or on the verge and feeling happier after every shot. I finally took the bottle and just chug it. The bartender gets upset and has me thrown out.

"I don't need you anyways! You bitch!" I scream at the bouncers and they just shake their heads at me. "Fuck you~!"

I slur out and begin the walk. It was a long walk to Dan's house, but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. I need another drink. I keep walking while complaining about everything that's wrong with me and wrong in my life. I'm cursing more than I usually do, so I'm probably drunk more than I should be.

I finally take a break and lean against a building. I slide down and stare at the street. I feel my back pocket buzz and I take out my phone. I look and see I got a text from James.

'Hey, dude. Dan says you're still at the bar need me to come pick you up.'

'I'm perfectly fine thank you.'

'Jordan, you drunk fucker, I'm coming down.'

'I'm not there anymore. I got kicked out and now I'm walking.'

My phone beeps and shuts down. Whoops.

"Hello?" I look around me and on my left I see a set of legs. I look up at them and I see a young boy smile down at me. He looked kind of cute. You know...for a boy. "Hello."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just-"

I hiccup again and taste the beer hit the back of my throat causing me to cough a bit.

"Just dandy."

"Give me your hand." I grab his hand and he tries to help me up, but I have to do most of the work. I'm standing up again and I see there's a large gap between us. He was perhaps a foot and a half shorter than I was. "You are so short."

"And you're really tall and handsome."

"Thanks, so what are you doing out here?"


"Working on what?" I felt so out of it as I look around for something. I'm amazed that I can speak whole sentences. "I could show you what I do. It could be on the house, if I enjoy myself as much as you will."

"Sure whatever. Where do we go?"

"Follow me." He grabs my hand and drags me behind him. I stumble a bit, but keeps up a good majority of the time. "My names Aleksandr by the way."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jordan."

"I like that name." I'm pulled into an empty street and pulled down the first ally we see.

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