A Mission

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It had been more than a month since Peggy's conversation with Angie, and she had thought about it a lot. More than anything she ever thought about. She loved Daniel. She knew that she should tell him that. She never got the chance with Steve, and now she would always live to regret it. In a weird way that helped her move on.

Daniel was so nice and caring. He wanted to stand up for her all the time, especially at work. She had told him time, and time again that she didn't need his help. He knew that, but that's the way he was. He couldn't just stand there and watch people be mean to her. She never stood up for herself. She was capable of doing so, but she didn't feel like she needed to all the time.

Today, Peggy was going on a mission in Russia. She didn't want to spend up to a week there (depending on when the mission was completed) she was just glad that she finally got to go on a mission. She was always overlooked in the office, and spent her days filing papers.

"Hey, Carter! Come to my office I need to talk to you about your mission." Thompson blurted out. He was still filling in for chief Dooley and Peggy was not excited about it. Peggy set down the papers she was holding, and quickly walked over to his office.

"Yes?" Peggy asked and looked at Thompson.

"So.. There has been a change in plans. You will also be accompanied by Sousa and myself on the mission. We will be going to Russia tomorrow, so we can have more time to prepare. The agents that were originally going to accompany you still are."
"This is a very important mission, and we can't risk anything going wrong," Thompson tried explaining.

"I don't need your's or Sousa's help. I can handle this mission on my own with the other agents." Peggy was clearly frustrated.

Why would Daniel even agree to this? He knew that she wouldn't want his help.

"There will be no more discussion. My decision is final. You are dismissed." Thompson didn't like it when Peggy challenged him. He was in charge, so he would be making all of the calls.
Peggy walked out of the room, all she could hear was her heels hitting the marble floor.

"Peggy!" Sousa saw her walking out of Thompson's office. She didn't even look at him, and walked straight past him.

"Ms. Carter!" He was sure that she could hear him. He ran after her, and grabbed her arm to try to stop her.

"Peggy? What's wrong?" Sousa was now worried. Did he do something to make her upset?

"Let go of me!" Peggy tugged her arm away from him. "Let's not do this here," she said while avoiding his gaze.

Nobody knew that Sousa and Peggy were dating, and she wanted to keep it that way. She didn't want anymore teasing from her stupid coworkers.

"Okay.. well, I'll see you later," he would of hugged her and apologized for whatever he did. Did he upset her? He still wasn't sure. Daniel didn't want to see her upset anymore, so he left her alone.

Later that day...
Peggy headed out, sat on a bench outside, and waited for Daniel. She didn't really feel like talking to him, but she felt bad about earlier. Daniel walked up as soon as he saw her.

"Hello Peg. What's wrong?" He looked genuinely concerned for her.

Peggy turned to face him, "it's..." "The mission tomorrow.. I was just so glad that Thompson finally gave me the opportunity to show him that I'm a good agent, but now.. You two are coming, and it's going to be just like before. He doesn't see past how 'great' he is and takes all of the credit." She paused and looked into Daniel's eyes.

"I'm just sick of having every door slammed in my face. Every opportunity lost, given to some man that can apparently do a better job." She stopped talking and just wanted him to say something. She didn't like the silence.

"Who cares what Thompson thinks?! He's a jerk. He'll see how great you are someday. I think he does, but just denies it. Besides it'll be fun to work with you." Daniel smiled at her.

Seeing him smile made Peggy happy. It was the only thing that made her forget about everything. She felt ridiculous, like she was making a big deal out of nothing. She didn't need recognition, but she got her hopes up about the mission. She was disappointed in herself.

"I can't wait until tomorrow!" Daniel said as he put his arm around her.

"Yeah, I won't distract you too much, will I?" Peggy joked and they both laughed.

"You know he wouldn't even let us work together if he knew that we were dating." She smiled.

"Your right." Daniel shrugged. "I guess we won't be able to tell anyone for a while."

They both didn't say anything and just absorbed their surroundings. There were several couples holding hands walking down the sidewalk. They all looked happy.

"Well.. I guess that I should go. I still have to get ready for tomorrow." He didn't want to leave, but he had to eventually.

"Okay!" Peggy stood up with Daniel, and hugged him.

"See you tomorrow," she gave him a peck on the cheek, and walked away before he had any time to respond.

"See you tomorrow!" He shouted after her.

A/N: Hey guys! Sooo... after finals I've finally updated. I'm on winter break right now, so hopefully I'll have more time to update. This is my most popular story & I feel like I'm letting y'all down when I don't update. I love when you guys comment saying how much you like my story. It makes me smile & motivates me to continue writing (it also makes me blush 😊), so thank you! :) ❤️

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