Tony 2 Steve

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So this is Tony2Steve. I hope you like it and justa warning, but I put cuss words in here usually,soooooooooooo.


Yo! Waz up Capppy?!


Nothin. I was hangin with Peggy. And don't call me Cappy.


Dude!!!!! Peggy is like, 200 years old!
And too bad, I'm calling you Cappy.


She is 80. And fine. I'm just gonna call you assy man!


Apparently that's not offensive to me.


Ok? What are you doing for Christmas and New Years?


Idk. Pepper is spending both with her parents and I'm not going because her parents and I are arch enemies.




Maybe. Let's go into the group chat and ask everyone.


If they don't say yes I'm going to beat the crap out of them with my shield.



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