Becoming Thalia Wolfe

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"Thalia you leave your phone right now," shouted the harsh voice of my mum. We were in the process of moving in the furniture in our new house, and I was madly refreshing the application that kept me updated on football matches.

"But mum, Barcelona's playing the semi-finals today," I whined in a weak attempt of protest. "No buts, put that away and come help me move the sofa," she commanded.

I sighed and lay down my phone on the coffee table, and helped my mom furnish the house.

I, Thalia Wolfe, live with my mum and sister. My parents got divorced a couple of years ago, for which me and my younger sister, Acacia, are very greatful for. It was very tiring to live in a house where the two people you depend your life upon fight every minute of the ever day. I am currently 16 years of age, while my sister is 14, being two years younger than me. I'm probably one of the shortest 16 year old you'll ever meet, as I'm 5'3". I have a love-hate relationship with my height.

Up till recently, we've lived in a really -in my opinion- crappy rented apartment. My mum finally found a nice house in a nice neighbourhood with a nice school and nice surroundings. You see, she's quite fond of nice things. She's just hoping the neighbours would be nice too.

My dad, however, is constantly on business trips eversince the divorce, as he doesn't have to see my mom eveyday like he did before and got a promotion in his job, but he drops in to check on us whenever he can and he calls us once or twice monthly.

I don't have a strong relationship with my sister. I used to, when we were younger, but we both changed and have completely different interests now. But what brings us both together is the 3 F's: family gatherings, favours and fights.

Over the weekend, we finished furnishing the house, and Monday came quicker than I expected. I have to admit I was a bit nervous about going to school here. I still didn't know anyone my age in the neighbourhood, and I wasn't a popular person or anything of the likes back in my old school.

I guess I just had to wait for the first day of school to decide whether all that would change or now.

A/N: This is the first time I'm writing an actual story. I've written a one-shot before but it's really crappy. I'd really appreciate it if you leave a comment telling me what you think about the story ^.^ and I hope you enjoyed reading it xx

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