Chapter one Problems

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A/N : hey this is my first Xreader and I hope you guys like it and plus give me ideas for next chapters please
(Y/N ) = your name
(F/C)= favorite color
(B/F/N) = best friend name
And also you can ask me to put your oc in a chapter ! Just tell me your hair color , skin color, and eye color enjoy the chappie !
Rin's POV
'Y/n has been down a lot lately. I wonder what's wrong. She's always locked up in her room doing absolutely nothing. I better check on her again juuuust in case. I open her door to her room which is next to mine and she's not there.' "Wait she's not here ?!"

'Just as Rin was gonna open my door I put on my f/c hoodie and opened up the window jumping out of it. Even though it was high it was worth getting away this time. I needed to be alone. I also hear Rin shouting my name from here. Oh well if he does follow me I'll be at the cherry blossom tree.'

Rin's POV
"Y/n ! Y/n ! Where are you ?!"
'I called out for her for a while until I finally got something through my thick skull. She's at the cherry blossom tree.' "She always goes there when she's upset !"
'I sorta said that a little too loud.. I'm probably gonna get a scolding from Yukio but who cares about that four-eyed mole face. And then I hear....'
"Rin you woke me up ! Don't you get we have a big day tomorrow ?!"
"Yeah yeah....four-eyed mole face." I respond quickly.
"Anyways, why were you yelling Y/N's name ?" Yukio said with a really irritated face.
"I'm just looking for her alright ?! Not like I care or anything...." With that Yukio smiles.
"I knew you liked her."
"I do not !" As a response Yukio just nods and says " go look for her.." And opens the door for me. I say thanks and leave, on the look out for y/n.

Y/n's POV
'I sit and wait at the cherry blossom tree waiting for Rin-kun. It probably took him an hour to find me but once he did, I gave him a good scolding.'
"Rin okumura ! What do you think you're doing leaving me alone for so freaking long ?!"
"I couldn't find you ok?! And I was worried sick about you! We've been dating for three months now and all you do is run away and cry !"
'That ticked me off.'
"T-then maybe .... Maybe we shouldn't even be together !"

A/N : that's the end of this chapter ! Also I don't own any of these characters except me and my OC's and I don't own you. Bai !

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