Chapter ❶ Six Same Faces

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"Cut it out, (Name)-chan.~" Ichi said, with his usual 'tch' sound.

You could tell he wasn't being serious, so you smiled and sat up. You had been trying to get his attention by trying to be a cat, but he wasn't buying it. He did follow the meowing sound back to his room so it wasn't a total failure.

"C'mon!~ We haven't done anything fun together all day, Ichi-kun." You whined, kicking your feet.

"There's nothing to do anyways. Trash doesn't move, don't you know already?"
He said, with a vulgar tone to his voice.

You sighed, being used to his pessimistic personality. It was all to keep you from hopping out his window and going by yourself. Although, you knew he would stop you in any case.

'Why does he care so much anyways?' You thought sarcastically.

You looked up to meet his eyes, which had been peering down at you the whole time. He wore that same face all the time, never giving so much as a smile. Even the tiniest faint of a smirk disappeared instantly on his washed up features.

'If he ever did show concern about anything, no one would notice it.' You thought to yourself coldly.

"Huh? You're not usually this quiet, (Name). What's on your mind?" His voice intruded on your thoughts.

"N-Nothing," you turned away, "it doesn't matter anyways."

"It does. And it's in your best interest to tell me." He crouched down next to you.

His voice spat like venom on your skin. There was no way you were getting out of this one.

You wet your lips before asking, "What are you going to do if I don't?"

"That's brave of you to ask, (Name). Why don't we find out?" He snapped.

Shit, you had done it this time. Ichimatsu was the last person you wanted to piss off today.

"P-Please, I'm sorry Ichi! Don't get mad." You pleaded.

"Hmm . . .If you give me a hug, maybe I'll reconsider.~" His eyes were laced with ice as he took notice of your vulnerability.

You blinked as he swooped you up and embraced you. Your face was pressed into his purple hoodie as your arms struggled to take hold of him. The hug didn't last long either, as you felt him release you.

"T-That was dirty, Ichi! You could have told me you were going to do that!" You said angrily, trying to hide your blush.

"Eh? It's not my fault you're so unprepared (Name)," He said indifferently, "besides, that's not the worst I could have done.~"

His face was pulled tightly in a smirk as he stared down at you. You shrank back as you turned your attention down to the carpeted floor.

Ichimatsu could be almost terrifying at times, but you managed to get some sort of reaction from him.

"It's been a long time since anyone made me enjoy myself that much . . ." He snorted a little, beginning to get up.

You swore you could almost hear him chuckle as he rounded toward the hallway.

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