Chapter 1.

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I stared out my  broken window. The reason it was broken was because i shot it . With a gun obviously. I liked doing that; shooting things. But you see, i classified a 'thing' as a 'human', a living, breathing human. To be honest, i can't  tell the difference.

I was interrupted by a loud metallic banging noise that was supposedly coming from my front door. I muttered a hoarse "Shit." and tried to scavenge any gun that I could find. As if on queue, the wooden, blood invested block or as I referred it as the 'front door' slammed against the floor as two military men, a woman probably in her 20's, a man with unconditioned grey hair, an old dude with blondish hair and a somewhat tall detective looking guy barged in, trampling over the wooden door.

I just  stood there, not awkwardly though, just waiting for someone to say some nonsense like; "Apple May Hunter you are under arrest." or "You have the right to remain silent."

The guy with the unconditioned hair spoke first. "Apple Hunter you are hereby under arrest and have the right to remain silent."

But i just did what every other 19 year old fugitive would do; Jump out the window, before shouting; "Cliche much!". Though i didn't fall as softly as i thought.

I reached into my pocket to get my gun, but my hand met nothing than an empty space. I silently cursed and ran, before being tackled to the ground. Again. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the last thing I remember before blacking out.



Goodbye Homles.

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