Atems underworld travels

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Before you read this I feel I must warn you it sucks. I wrote this for my 6th grade social studies teachers final project, " write a story about a kid from one of the places we studied. "

This story is about Atem who is a royal palace scribe and his journey with an uninvited guest to rescue the river goddes Anknuket from Seth. This text is 99% unedited from when I handed it it to my teacher so, it sucks in hindsight to read it.

Chapter One: One small leap.

I awoke to pounding on the door. It was mine and Tut's secret knock. I yelled to Tut to let me get dressed. When I got to the door I opened it and solemnly said, "What brings you to my humble abode this fine morning by such a dignified and important person as yourself Oh mighty Tutankhamen?"

"Atem this is very urgent!" Tut practically screamed. "And get your sword!"

"I'll go get it then." I said as I went back to my bed and grabbed the sword Tut gave me for my last birthday, and I also grabbed some food. I offered Tut some food but he wasn't hungry he said. After I tied my sword to my waist we were off running like the wind to where the closest tunnel entrance was. Tut was in the lead and I realized where we were going, the royal throne room. We headed through several tunnels that even the Pharaoh and the high priests didn't know about. This is how we got out of all the trouble that we would have been in normally, because it's kind of hard to argue with the fact that we were an hour away from where it happened. After about 5 minutes we came to an exit from the tunnels about 15 feet away from the door to the throne room (so to avoid suspicion.) The guards admitted us through the door and we entered the throne room. Besides Tut's mother and father, the high priest was there as well with a new priest.

The Pharaoh charged Tut to sit down by him, and commanded me to continue standing. The high priest said dramatically, "As you know Egypt relies on the Nile flooding every year to water our crops. It was supposed to start flooding a month ago, but because it didn't we have asked the gods for an answer, and we believe now that the Desert god, Seth, has imprisoned the river goddess, Anuket. The Pharaoh believes that you may be able to help free Anuket with the help of some of the high gods,"

The Pharaoh spoke for the first time since he told Tut to sit down at his side, "We chose you for we know how to send you but we need someone that has never sinned for you will be tested by Ma'at,"

"I wish for Tut to come. I won't go if he doesn't go," I persisted.

Pharaoh shouted, "I say that Tutankhamen stays!"

"I oblige mighty Pharaoh," I said obeying the Pharaoh a little embarrassed about my outburst. The priests ushered me to their backroom full of ancient artifacts and the one named Djadao, a rotund man said, "We can only help you with getting to the underworld and then you'll be tested by Ma'at,"

"You may even meet Horus the sky god," the skinny priest said pouting a little at the thought of a lowly palace scribe getting to meet a god as important as Horus.

"I don't know what I would say if I did meet Horus," I said shrugging.

"Well you probably will meet him so start practicing a speech," Djadao said.

"Yes after all he will probably be the one that you will have to ask for help from," the skinny priest said. They then proceeded to burn incense and gave me a traveling pack for they did not know how long or how far I would have to travel.

I asked, "Is this all that I need?"

"Yes," Djadao said. They started chanting and throwing incense around and about five minutes later and one bathroom break later (Tut's bathroom break) the portal flared into existence. As I prepared to walk through it I heard a commotion and saw Tut running at me with a pack and his sword drawn. "What thOOOMPH!" I yelled as Tut rammed me into the portal and sent us both on the adventure of the century.

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