Let me fall. ||Part one||

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When was this going to end..

Coming back to what seemed to be reality, you felt the iron stairs beneath you buckle and snap. Your fingers grazed against the rust that covered the surface, first your foot and then you feel your entire body taken from underneath you. And now.. You're hanging by nothing but your hands, the stairs are gone and your chances of coming back from this look thin. But still you try and pull yourself up, your arms struggle lifting your body weight and spasm while you struggle.
I can't do it..my fingers, I can't..
You hang on by your last two fingers bracing for the fall you close your eyes, you let go. But you don't fall, opening your eyes you look up.. It's him, Ruvik is holding your wrist firmly but he isn't struggling it's almost as if you're weightless. Ruvik gives a menacing smirk, biting his dry lip at the fear in your eyes.. As if it excited him.
Your heart beats in your ears and your palms turn cold, but a pain runs through your heart it's almost pleasurable..somehow. You still haven't taken your eyes off his..you hadn't even noticed he had pulled you to safety and was stood directly in front of you. Cold radiated off his bare uncovered skin, your eyes in line with his chest and your lips inches from his pale scarred skin.
Why hasn't he killed me.. Why didn't he let me fall to my death..?
You slowly build the courage to look up, face him. But his hand finds it's own way to your bruised cheek, his fingers then trace along your jawline and stop at your chin.
I can't move..
His lips part and brush against yours..
As you close your eyes, you feel his presence disappear. Ruvik is gone..
You're alive..
But why..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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