Part one.

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Phil kept his head down as he walked down the street. He want sure whether he loved being alone or hated it. Part of him absolutely loved the peace. The way his thoughts could wonder, making up stories of the lives of everyone around him, the uninterrupted nonsense that ran through his brain. The other half hated it, the quiet, the way he felt so alone. Before long, he was about 3 minutes away from home, he just had to pass through the ally.
The ally was a short walk between two buildings. Phil hated it but it cut 10 minutes out of his journey so in his mind, it was worth it. He started off down the quiet path, no one in front, no one behind. He was completely alone. Or so he thought.
"Help me" a woman screamed, running past him, nearly knocking him off his feet. Just as he was regaining his ballance, a man ran past. He was holding something. Phil couldnt make out what it was until...
The man pinned the woman against the wall.
"Whu are you just standing there!? Help me" she pleaded. Phil froze. It was a knife. The man raised his arm, bringing the knife down, straight into the womans chest. The first thing Phil noticed was how easily the knife slid through her flesh. He stumbled back, not knowing what to do. Not able to help but also not able to run. Not able to do anything. He felt sick. 2, 3, 4 times the man drove the knife down. The woman fell to the floor as the man stepped back. The blood started pooling around the woman and trailing down to the feet of the man. Phil watched as the last moment of life left her.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" The man turned to face Phil. Phil felt the colour drain from his face.
"I, uh," he choked.
"If you tell anyone," the man took a step closer, "I'll fucking end you." He spat. Phil stepped back. He turned and started to run. He didnt know where, he didnt care. Just away. Away from here, away from the blood, away from it all. He finally stopped running when he reached the flats. He stopped and threw up against the wall. He felt dizzy. Was it real? Did it really just happen? Why didnt he help? She asked for help. The thoughts were drowning him.
"Oh my god, Phil are you alright?" A voice snapped him back to reality. "You look terrible, come in, dont just stand out here in the cold!" Dan took his still trembling arm and lead him into the house.

A/n ah idk I didnt like a helping hand so im trying again with a slightly different plot... tell yo friends, tell yo cat, tell yo nan, well maybe not your nan but yeah I hope you enjoy it!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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