Chapter 2

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Sweet lord. How can something so soft and simple be the most heavenly thing he'd ever experience.

Harry could feel his super sore muscles instantly began to relax as he pressed himself against the soft mattress. Everywhere was hurting. His entire body felt it was burning. Like someone had thrown him over a cliff and he stumbled for days in the rocky and treacherous rock covered mountain. Harry never felt his body ache this way in his life. 

"Lads, my body hurts," groaned Harry, barely a whisper.  He couldn't turn to his side, instead mouthing off with the pillow pressed firmly against his face. "Why did I sign up for this?"

"No one made you sign up for anything lad. This is not your normal routine military. This is the big guns. This is the real deal. This is GI Joe on steroids. To save lives. To help people-" 

Harry groaned another one of Liam's righteous lectures. "Why is he like this?" He turned his head towards his other bed mate. Louis shrugged. 

"Liam. Oh, I've been wondering about the myself honestly. He's like a supercharged puppy. Its honestly scary and fascinating at the same time," said Louis, observing Liam who was doing a few more diamond push ups with his legs balanced on the bed. "I honestly thought the three ten kilometers march was going to tire him out. But no.

"Look at him doing push ups like he just didn't try do a plank for a combined time of twenty minutes. And having to march up and down that mountain of shit for the entire day. Thrice." 

Harry chuckled, he's always having a laugh with Louis. The man could make any dull and dark situation absolutely hilarious. He was the first soldier to disobey the Irish's command and was made to grab wood for the entire camp in less than an hour. He came back cursing and making sick dirty jokes about the lad, while his hands was covered in wood splinters. 

Louis spent the rest of that night making gory death scenarios about how to kill Niall. 

"Oh come on guys," Liam had settled down on his bed. "I couldn't be more pumped about this training than ever. We're hiking everywhere. Finally going outdoors. We're learning how to live in the wilderness. How to really live. We see the sun wake up every morning. And see it set. Its not that bad."


Harry and Louis groaned in unison. From the opposite bed, Zayn released a soft chuckle. 

"What. It's honestly fucking beautiful." 

"Oh shut up Liam," scolded Louis. "Now, it has been like fifty thousand years since we camped out together lads. How about we share a bit about ourselves. We're not all dead - well not yet anyway- and we are practically gonna be living with each other for god knows when. And we are all under a crazy psychopath with a great pair of ass that wants to kill us. So how about we share a bit of ourselves before the fucking Irish kills us again tomorrow?" 

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