"For every single person that doesn't like you there is another person that loves and appreciates you",that's what my mom said to me all the time and she still says that to me till this day and I've begun understanding that quote just recently.

"So Drizzy why didn't I know about the mystery girl with the sexy accent?"Chubbs asked with his one eyebrow raised.

"I know I wasn't at the game but like why didn't you tell us about the lady? Or did you just make up the story?" Ryan questioned.

"Nah man, I didnt really think it was important, I bumped into her at the game a few weeks back man, I don't know she just left a lasting impression on me , she's not like those easy girls, I haven't had sex in a few weeks now, damn I think I lost my cool man" I vented with everyone's eyes glued on me.

"Nah man I think it's a choice you made subconsciously, I'm sure she doesn't know who you are, like you said she had a foreign accent "One of the guys said.

"She knew exactly who I was, she even said I should greet Stephen for her imagine that shit okay ,what she said was "Drake you a great musician and everything but I'm not one of those groupie girls, bye oh say hi to Stephen Curry by the way" she was brutal,I liked it though" I said trying to imitate how I think she spoke.

"Ohhhhhhhhh shit "was all the guys said.

"I know I know "I started laughing and soon all the guys joined in, now the SUV was filled with all kinds of  laughter.

"Gentleman we have arrived "the driver said putting the car in park.

"Thanks Danny, you picking us up tomorrow night right????" grabbing my wallet and tipping him generously.

"Yes sir, you going to the club right on boulevard ????"he asked taking the money and placing it into his pocket.
I just nodded at him and soon all the guys had exited the car.
I left the car, closing the door and headed to the front door.
"Goodnight sir" Danny shouted out.

I waved at Danny and opened the front door.

I walked into the kitchen where Ob was heating something in the microwave heater.

"What are you eating man I'm starved, I skipped lunch. "

"Uhm theres pizza in the oven, freshly made by this guy"he said pointing at himself with a grin, looking happy with himself.

" I see you my nigga, you have been on some chef tip lately so you gonna be Ob O'brein rapper turned chef now?"

"Hahaha nah bruuh ,but seriously though how was the interview with 97, you don't have a radio in your house man "

"You know there's a radio on your phone right????you know what Ob never mind you will listen to it tomorrow, the interview was good, she asked all the right questions and it was short so it was perfect"he bobbed his head while I was speaking.

"So who is this girl I'm reading about on twitter? "I grabbed a plate, washed my hands and grabbed a slice of pizza and a Dr pepper from the fridge.

"Her, she's some girl I met at the basketball game, it doesn't really matter now, ey man ima head to the studio, 40 is waiting for me"

"Ayt man, tell 40 I might come in after your session "

I had the plate in one hand and did our signature hand shake with the other, I made the top szn hand sign and went down stairs to the studio where 40 was sipping on something, lean probably whilst playing back on a beat.

"Drizzy are you gonna stand there or come make good ass joints?" 40 said with a little chuckle.

I chuckled and slowly walked up to a sit next to him and looked over the controls.

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now