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Milan POV

"Florence, so I just bumped into Drake on my way back here" I shrieked, as I was getting seated.
" Wait What really, did he talk to you!???" she looked at me with her eyes all widened at me, God she's so dramatic.

" Whoa, Milan like, Drake Drake Drake, the Drake that I listen to like all the time?" I know she didn't want to believe it, she's loved Drake since like Thank Me Later era, I think she is obsessed sometimes.

"Yeah like Aubrey Graham,he wanted to hang out with me court side and stuff, he's so weird, staring at me the whole time like he knows me "I shrugged.

"And you said no, didn't you???You pied him off didn't you??? Gosh Milan. We just cannot be related, it's impossible !" she said shaking her head in frustration and dissaproval.

"I'm not one of those groupie girls, I get the fact that he is Drake and whatever ,but I really don't care. I don't have time for relationships anyways "I shrugged off while snapping my attention back to the game.

"Have you ever heard about something called a one
night stand sweets ? You need dick in your life, oh my god if I were you I would be on top of him right now, doing things to him in front of everyone here, you're missing out on the champagne papi's anaconda "she said while staring into space, probably imagining the things she just said to me.

"Florence let's just go ey, I really want to go to bed by the way Stephen Curry is so sexy in person  "I said wiggling my eyebrows at her while grabbing my purse off of the floor.

"Well whatever, let's go, we will drive-thru McDonald's on our way home.. "

We rushed outside and she opened her white Mercedes benz G63, it's just always been one of her many dream cars, the rims are so crazy, it's very large and she's really small ,so it suits her perfectly .

The evenings in LA are actually kind of cold compared to the weather during the day and the fact that we were wearing shorts didn't make the situation any better, we quickly hopped in. I grabbed a blanky
from the backseat and covered my tiny body in it and strapped my seat belt on.

"Is the weather always like this at night???"I asked with her turning the heater on.

"Yeah kind of, it's never been like this in a while though, tonight it clearly has no mercy on beautiful girls like us"she said starting the engine and checking her blind spot ,reversing out of the parking space.


"Hey Milan what do you want? "She asked with hands going through her curly hair as she laid her head back on the head rest.
"Uhm a grilled chicken fold over, a coke and oreo mcflurry would be fine"

I opened the glove compartment looking for my cherry chapstick, incase you haven't noticed I love anything that has to do with cherry , except for the fruit itself .

"Yeah so like, a grilled chicken foldover,a coke, a Dr pepper, a big Mac and two mcflurrys , everything medium sized." she said into the speaker thingy.

"The total is $12 mam"

We drove to the next window.

"Thank you for your purchase ,here's your food , enjoy the rest of your night" the worker said cracking a fake smile at us.

"Well she certainly hates her job "

"Lol Milan, shut up , so oh my god you met Drake on your second night here. I have been here for years and haven't even been this close to a celeb before" she said with her hands on the wheel.

Opposites do attract (An Aubrey Drake Graham fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu