Anabelle truffle head

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Annabelle trufflehead is the worlds prettiest girl, but she has a dark and terrible secret......

She witnessed a man eating spaghetti without......A FORK!!!!😱 and till this day she hasn't told anyone about it...................

One day a warlock approached Anabelle and said that he would give her a wish, if she told him her biggest secret.........

Instead she stole his wand and told him if  he eats 9999999999999 cactuses then and only then will she tell him her secret.........

They traveled to the nearest garden shop and stole all the cactuses. The warlock started on the first one, but complained that the prickles were tickling his tongue.......

So Annabelle OBLIVIATED him with his wand but before she did she told him her secret...


A random story that me and my friend wroteWhere stories live. Discover now