Chapter 20 - Forward!! To the War!!

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I felt an unwanted presence.

My eye twitch.

Third Person's POV

"Oh? Her eye twitch" Third said, amused.

"Eh? What is wrong with it?" Minato ask.

"I'm not really sure why in this situation. But there's only two reason why her eye always twitch" Third said.

Everyone look at her.

"Suigetsu, come here" Senna ordered coldly.

He gulped and did as she was told.

She place him in front of Sasuke and wait.

"Eto... Sasaki...san?" Suigetsu start.

She just glare at him and he shut his mouth.

"Sasuke...." She called.

"What is it?" He said.

She pulled her, hugging him and pulled Suigetsu in front of her.

A red figure came and hugged Suigetsu.

"SASUKE-KUN!!!!" she shouted.

"Ahhhh?!!! Karin! Get off!!!" Suigetsu shouted.

"huh? Eww!!! Suigetsu?" Karin said then look to where Sasuke is.

"Why are you hugging Sasuke-kun?!!!" She pointed her finger at Senna.

"Why cant I hug my own boyfriend, fangirl?" Senna said, glaring at her.

"One reason, is because that person is annoying to her. And the second reason is because of fangirls around Sasuke" Third said.

"Hahaha! Being an Uchiha's girl can be tiring too huh?" First said.

"B-B-Boyfriend?!! B-but not that I care... Because Sasuke-kun tried to kill me! B-but his girlfriend?!" Karin said she changes from mumbles to talking.

Senna just pull Sasuke away from her.

She then realise Tobirama.

"Ara? Who heal your hand? I thought of making it nice by cutting of the other one" Senna said coldly.

"Hieee.... She's cold when she can be" Suigetsu said.

Tobirama glare at her.

They then had a little glaring contest.

"Senna..." Sasuke called.

She look at him, tearing the glare away from Tobirama.

"You know the coordinates?" He ask.

Senna nod.

"The main battle is not far from here. And the five kages who collapsed are east halfway from the main battle" Senna said.

"Well, Suigetsu, Karin and I will be going to the Kages" Orochimaru said.

She glare at him.

"Dont worry. I wont do anything to them" He said.

"Then the rest of us will be going into the main battle then?" Senna ask.

Everyone nod.

"Right, I'll lead the way, lets go, we'll be going on a full speed. When the distance is right, I'll tell when you can use Hiraishin" Senna said, looking at the fourth not even bothering the second.

He had a tick mark on his forehead.

"Lets go then" Senna said.

They then being their journey. Not even near 10 minutes, the first hokage ask a question.

"You're dying aren't you?" He said.

Everyone look at him in shock. Senna kept qyiet for awhile then spoke.

"...Is it that obvious?" Senna said.

Sasuke's eyes widen and grab her arm harshly, stopping her.

They all stop too.

"You're dying?!!" Sasuke ask.

She look at him emotionlessly.

"Yeah... I am" Senna said calmly.

"Why?!" He ask, frustrated.

"You seem to strain your body for far too long..." The first said.

"Its the same sickness Itachi had. He knew too... When he saw us in the forest. I thought I got at least a few more years. But because of my jutsu, It seems to have been depleted" Senna said.

"Jutsu?" Suigetsu ask, cant supress his curiosity.

"Its a jutsu that revives the death to live. In return, my life shortens... Even in the process of developing the jutsu, I still use it, and then three years back, during the chunin exam. This year when I revived Gaara who's the bijuu been extracted from him" Senna expain.

"Why do you keep on using it knowing the cause?!" Sasuke said.

Senna smiled sadly. She held his cheek.

"So I wouldn't see so much of tears. Even you wouldn't see your love one die in front of your eyes, right?" Senna said.

The Hokages look at her in pity.

"Lets go. We got to be there fast" She said.

"Senna, you're going back to the village" Sasuke said.

"Sasuke... I rather do something then wait on my deathbed. You all cant tell this to anyone at all. Especially Naruto..." Senna said.

Sasuke sigh frustratedly....

"Fine. But stay by my side at all time, understand?" Sasuke said.

Senna nod.

They begin their run again.

"Why aren't you telling Naruto?" Minato ask.

"Because... Naruto... Since he has been the kyuubi's jinchuriki, he has always been lonely. I know that feeling and I... Approach him and he became someone important to me. And I have became someone important to him too. When Sasuke went away, he swore to bring him back, since he always thought that our team was a family... And yet, the team became separated. He was devastated, Tsunade-sama told me. Seeing me again made him happy and the others too. If I were to tell him, he'll be distracted..." Senna said.

"You're a true shinobi... Sasaki Senna" First said.

Senna chuckled bitterly.

"True shinobi huh? Thats not really what I want to become. But its the path we took... I just want to be in peace right now" Senna said.

She took out both of her katana and jump down.

A mass number of white zetsus can be seen, she enforce her katanas with wind chakra and swiftly kill them all.

"Orochimaru!! You should go to the east right now!!" Senna shouted from below.

They went and they continue on ahead with Senna leading them.

Sasuke clench his fist.

'I wont let you die... Not on my watch...I'm not gonna loee you again like I did before' He thought.



They'll be in the war soon. And the war is sooooo annoying to write.

So I apologise in advance if its confusing.

Just ask me anything and I'll try to reply! ^^

oh! And sorry for any spelling errors. I tend to spell wrongly when I type fast! ^^

Sasaki_Senna OUT!!!!! ^^

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